A tech geek and a well-vetted Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of turning innovative ideas into quality software products and services spanning over 9 years. I am looking forward to joining hands with an ambitious startup or a progressive organization where my employer and I can contribute to each other's growth and together build software that brings positive change to the world.

Abuzar Mushtaq

A tech geek and a well-vetted Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of turning innovative ideas into quality software products and services spanning over 9 years. I am looking forward to joining hands with an ambitious startup or a progressive organization where my employer and I can contribute to each other's growth and together build software that brings positive change to the world.

Available to hire

A tech geek and a well-vetted Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of turning innovative ideas into quality software products and services spanning over 9 years. I am looking forward to joining hands with an ambitious startup or a progressive organization where my employer and I can contribute to each other’s growth and together build software that brings positive change to the world.

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Bachelor of Science | Computer Science at COMSATS University of Information and Technology
March 3, 2011 - September 11, 2015


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