
Hello there! I'm Alif! I'm a video editor and videographer with a passion for creating engaging and visually stunning content. I have 3 years of experience in the field and have worked on a variety of projects ranging from short

Alif Ashrareza

Hello there! I'm Alif! I'm a video editor and videographer with a passion for creating engaging and visually stunning content. I have 3 years of experience in the field and have worked on a variety of projects ranging from short social media videos to full-length documentaries, which led me to understand how to edit and create various type of engaging video content. I could work from anywhere. From home, on the set, in the office, or from a coffee shop even! (my favorite one!) and when I'm not working on

Available to hire

Hello there! I’m Alif! I’m a video editor and videographer with a passion for creating engaging and visually stunning content. I have 3 years of experience in the field and have worked on a variety of projects ranging from short social media videos to full-length documentaries, which led me to understand how to edit and create various type of engaging video content. I could work from anywhere. From home, on the set, in the office, or from a coffee shop even! (my favorite one!) and when I’m not working on video projects, you can find me exploring new surroundings with my camera in hand or spending time in nature, soaking up inspiration for my next creative endeavor. Overall, I’m a dedicated and passionate video editor and videographer who is always looking for new ways to grow and improve. I believe that every project is an opportunity to learn and to create something truly special, and I can’t wait to see where my curiosity takes me next!

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Experience Level

Explainer Video
Promo Video
Video Advert
Music Video
Corporate Video
Product Video




Bachelor of Communication Science at Paramadina University
June 1, 2018 - June 1, 2022


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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment
    uniE608 Mitra 5.0 (Traveloka x Monash University)
    This project was initiated by Traveloka, and Monash University to promote and introduce their new program called MITRA 5.0, which is a program that gathers high quality lecturers from all over Indonesia, to build a new learning and teaching methods that capable of adapting to the current

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