
Amos Osterhaus started his musical journey at an early age learning to play boogie woogie from Dirk Jan Vennik a boogie woogie legend and musical desciple of Rob Hoeke. Venturing outside of the musical boundries beset by

Amos Osterhaus


Amos Osterhaus started his musical journey at an early age learning to play boogie woogie from Dirk Jan Vennik a boogie woogie legend and musical desciple of Rob Hoeke. Venturing outside of the musical boundries beset by his various music teachers Amos started as a child making his own compositions and songs driven by a joy for music he would later pass on to his own music students. At the age of twelve Amos released his first album In Casale M featuring his own compositions of which Lelijk ontmoet

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Amos Osterhaus started his musical journey at an early age learning to play boogie woogie from Dirk Jan Vennik a boogie woogie legend and musical desciple of Rob Hoeke. Venturing outside of the musical boundries beset by his various music teachers Amos started as a child making his own compositions and songs driven by a joy for music he would later pass on to his own music students.
At the age of twelve Amos released his first album In Casale M featuring his own compositions of which Lelijk ontmoet kikker, a composition for a theater play, earned him a price in the category composition at the Princes Christina Concour.
Five years later he would release a second album featuring twelve compositions in his own indie classical style sometimes bordering on folk and jazz.

Amos’ talent for creating a musical atmosphere was picked up by predicant and progressive radio vicor Ad van Nieuwpoort who appointed Amos as the resident pianist for his interview program Areopagus on public radio.

At the age of eighteen Amos started working at the Paul van Vliet academie in Den Haag as a music accompanist and composer for songs in the Dutch cabaret tradition. During these years Amos performed together with the students and alumny of the Paul van Vliet academie in both big and small theaters all across the Netherlands and worked regularly as a pianoteacher for students of all ages whilst creating his own pianoteaching method focussed entirely on composition and music theory.

During the corona years Amos, forced by lockdowns, ventured outside of the musical realm teaching himsellf to create computergames in Unity and subsequently creating and publishing (on Steam) a computergame featuring his own compositions.

In the years that would follow Amos created many more solo piano compositions as well as compositions for his own chamber orchestra. Publishing his third album IDIA in 2021.
In the mean time Amos worked as a musical director, musical aranger, and accompanist for Stichting Nederlied, performing a show with traditional Dutch repetoire on stage with a group of six singers in theaters accross the Netherlands and drawing full halls.

Amos Continues to make music for various projects like games theater and short film.

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