
Hi, my name is Andile, and I reside in South Africa. I would describe myself as a passionate, go-getter with a never-say-die attitude. I'm an inquisitive individual who seeks to learn new things and improve. In any setting that I

Andile Mbambo

Hi, my name is Andile, and I reside in South Africa. I would describe myself as a passionate, go-getter with a never-say-die attitude. I'm an inquisitive individual who seeks to learn new things and improve. In any setting that I find myself in, I aim to make a positive impact. Through hard work and dedication I aim to impact brands/businesses in a positive way. My aim is to help brands/businesses reach new heights and reach their full potential

Available to hire

Hi, my name is Andile, and I reside in South Africa. I would describe myself as a passionate, go-getter with a never-say-die attitude. I’m an inquisitive individual who seeks to learn new things and improve. In any setting that I find myself in, I aim to make a positive impact. Through hard work and dedication I aim to impact brands/businesses in a positive way. My aim is to help brands/businesses reach new heights and reach their full potential

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Google Drive
Adobe Illustrator
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Google Drive
Adobe Illustrator
Book Cover
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Social Media Design
Web Design
Business Card
Adobe InDesign
T-shirt Design
Promo Video
App Design
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Certificate in Film & Television Production at Open Window Institute
February 12, 2020 - November 30, 2020
National Certificate in Civil Engineering - N4 at Pretoria Technical College
February 15, 2017 - July 14, 2017
National Certificate in Civil Engineering - N6 at Pretoria Technical College
February 14, 2018 - November 30, 2018


National Certificate in Film & Television Production
February 15, 2020 - November 2, 2020
Basic Concepts of Digital Marketing | Alison
December 1, 2023 - December 30, 2023
This free online digital marketing course explains how to use the internet to attract customers and build your brand. ‘Digital marketing’ typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet or other device. We begin this course by describing the impact of digital marketing on business growth. We then explain why it is important to identify the types of digital marketing. We provide you with answers to questions such as ‘what are the benefits of digital marketing?’ and ‘how can search engine optimization help you to build your brand?’. The course demonstrates the importance of social media and content marketing in business. We discuss pay-per-click (or PPC) digital marketing and provide answers to questions like ‘which influencers can build my brand?’ and ‘how does marketing automation work?'. We outline the fundamental concepts you need to understand digital marketing. We explain how to start and build a career in identifying and working with digital marketing as a marketing professional, small business owner or eCommerce entrepreneur. Sign up to understand digital marketing and learn how to harness the internet to attract customers, build your brand and drive business growth.
Digital Advertising and Marketing 101 | Alison
December 1, 2023 - December 30, 2023
Beginners will be taken through all the crucial basics of digital marketing and online advertising in this free course. Digital advertising and marketing is an essential part of any business. In this free online course, you will be introduced to the basics of digital advertising and marketing. Major companies around the world use advertising to sell their products to users. This course explains in detail the strategy and techniques used in bringing your business to life through marketing and advertising. Do you know that there are certain things to put in place when advertising a business using global principles? This course explains the basic principles as well as the other core areas relevant in the ever-changing world of digital advertisement. Have you ever tried getting a job in media and advertisement? This course discusses extensively how to create a digital portfolio and get a job online. A very interesting aspect of digital marketing and advertising is its application. Skills learned in this area can be applied to any aspect of the business to compete globally. Next, the material introduces you to the practices and standards of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) in the United States. Did you know that there are different types of adverts that can be used in business? This course explains various types of ads such as banner ads, video ads, and rich media. It goes into great detail about digital ads such as ‘takeovers’ and ‘skins’. You will learn about the various forms of online advertising such as publisher direct and be familiarized with key advertising exchanges, advertising networks and trade desks. Did you know that publisher direct is good for endemic content, sponsorships of events and homepages? The course describes some of the methods used in ensuring the success of premium content. You will learn about advertising exchanges that are good for high reach and efficient buys across multiple websites. You will also study the industry standards used in developing premium content for advertisement and marketing. The course also describes the concept of real-time bidding (RTB) and how ads are used with target customers. Key examples of RTB covered in this course include OpenX and AppNexus. Finally, you look into the buying models and general price ranges of various types of ads. You will be taken through a detailed explanation on how to write request for proposal (RFP) processes and issue insertion orders. Study how to use targeted ads through your marketing and advertising channels. You will learn how to target a user based on a predetermined set of behaviours. You will also cover contextual, demographic and geographic targeting of people using market analytics. The material does a thorough job of explaining the basics of ad servers and their architecture. It also explains how metrics are tracked and the standard benchmarks used for evaluating the success of online advertisements. This course will be valuable for business owner
Digital Advertising and Marketing 201 | Alison
December 1, 2023 - December 30, 2023
Learn the aspects of programmatic advertising, ad fraud, and the future of digital marketing in this free online course. Digital Advertising and Marketing 201 is a free online course that has been specially prepared to take you through widely accepted and proven concepts in the digital marketing and advertising world. The world is surrounded by digital media and there are many different channels that businesses use to entice customers into buying their products and services. One key channel is advertising. In a world where mobile is king, programmatic ad buying is a crucial component of the modern advertising strategy. Programmatic advertising offers many benefits beyond faster reporting times and real-time optimization. This digital marketing course gives a detailed explanation of programmatic advertising, real-time bidding (RTB), how it works as well as why it is changing the digital marketing and advertising world. It specifies the advantages of programmatic advertising over the traditional form of advertising where media inventory is bought and sold manually. It compares the traditional waterfall form of advertising using the direct/request for proposal (RFP) process. In the traditional form, only one network at a time addresses the impression, making the process less competitive. If you want to learn how header-bidding works, how publishers increase revenue from their ad inventory and why it's changing the digital marketing/advertising world, then this online marketing certificate is a great starting point. Statistics have shown that half of all time spent on digital devices is spent within apps and these apps help publishers build direct connections with their most loyal users and control those users’ experiences. You will learn about the mobile standard development kit (SDK), mobile trends, and especially the services offered by verification companies. The presence of bots and fraudulent traffic cannot be underestimated and there are a bunch of ways in which bots make additional money for sites. With the presence of bots and fraudulent traffic, the following sections of content discusses the best way to measure how your users use your website through heatmaps. A heatmap shows you how visitors interact with your website and creating your own ads.txt file gives you more control over who's allowed to sell ads on your site and helps prevent counterfeit inventory from being presented to advertisers - this and more is covered in this part of your digital marketing training. Data is the next important topic and you will explore concepts such as contextual data, location data, demographic data as well as the laws surrounding the collection of these data types for advertisers. It also comprehensively covers data management platforms (DMP) and user device tracking. Two tools that you will get familiar with are Google's EBDA (exchange bidding dynamic allocation) and Amazon’s TAM (transport ad marketplace) which are both said to be the future of di
Digital Advertising and Marketing 301 | Alison
December 1, 2023 - December 30, 2023
This free online course delves into digital marketing basics, location targeting, retargeting and real time bidding. Globally the number of internet users increased from only 413 million in the year 2000 to over 4.6 billion at the start of 2021. Digital marketing and advertising helps you reach a larger audience than you could through traditional methods, and target the prospects who are most likely to buy your product or service. Additionally, it's often more cost-effective than traditional advertising and allows you to measure success on a daily basis. Digital marketing enables you to identify and target a specific audience and send that audience high-converting and personalized marketing messages. This free online digital marketing certificate begins by introducing you to location targeting: location-based marketing allows organizations to target consumers at a personal level with online or offline messaging based on their physical location. Using location data, marketing teams are able to reach consumers based on qualifiers like proximity to a store, events happening in their region, or trends. This digital marketing course analyzes the difference between a demand-side platform and a supply-side platform with the aid of real-life examples of how to set up a campaign on these platforms. Beacon Marketing offers companies unique and interesting ways to engage with customers. With the aid of beacons, brands are growing their presence by creating multiple touchpoints. These touchpoints in turn help them implement proximity marketing and earn customer loyalty by providing personalized services to their customers. Retargeting allows you to keep your brand in front of your potential customers after they have left your website and you will learn all about how this important digital marketing concept works. Next up in this online marketing course, you will cover bid requests and research. The bid request is an essential part of the advertising environment and the exchange of information between publisher and advertiser is possible because of the bid requests. However, it is important for you as a publisher to understand the concept of ad bids thoroughly as nowadays many people use this concept to conduct fraudulent activities. AdBlocking is a software capability for blocking or altering online advertising in a web browser or an application and you will conclude this digital marketing training by learning about the history of AdBlocking, trends, and industry response to AdBlocking. Understanding how people feel about your brand helps you keep your marketing and product development efforts on track. It also allows you to respond right away to positive or negative posts. All this is possible with Social Listening, by the end of this course you should be able to apply social listening in finding out what people are saying about your brand. Knowing and understanding digital marketing basics is a critical part of any marketing plan. Given its highly tec
Basics of Programmatic Advertising Strategies | Alison
December 1, 2023 - December 30, 2023
This free online course examines the programmatic advertising process, pricing and how mobile heading bidding works. In the US, 85% of digital display advertising spending was transacted through programmatic technology in 2020. This free online course will teach you how to place digital ads that offers a smarter, faster alternative to manual digital advertising. Both publishers and advertisers may find themselves struggling with the management of ad space, while manually negotiating the sale and purchase of ads is a time-consuming process. Everything from setting up programmatic advertising to data targeting and Data Manager Platforms (DMPs) are covered in this digital marketing course. Programmatic advertising helps connect publishers - those who have websites with ad space (ad inventory) to sell - and advertisers - those who want to buy that ad space to promote their brand. Other key themes that are covered include how advertisers use ads to decide which inventory to buy, how to discover data that has been sent and received, and common pricing models and ad units. Programmatic advertising has revolutionized the way we buy and sell inventory and is now a critical component of any marketer’s overall strategy. Traditional media buying involves a lot of menial tasks and manual labour, from requests-for-proposals (RFPs) to negotiations and manual insertions of the orders (IOs). All of this creates a workflow that is slow and inefficient by today’s standards. This course offers a more efficient alternative, making ad buying quicker (and consequently cheaper) by removing people from the laborious and repetitive parts of that process. When looking to buy media with a large-scale audience base, real-time bidding (RTB) can be a smart, cost-effective option. Your learning explores the difference between programmatic and real-time bidding, programmatic integration types connecting supply to demand, reporting metrics, and the various ways to buy and sell inventory such as auctioning. Programmatic advertising should align with what you understand about your app or website’s user funnel - this includes where users churn, why they return and who you should be retargeting. In this module you will cover what header bidding is, the process for desktop and mobile as well as how publishers can increase their income by increasing the competition. Understanding how programmatic advertising works and ways it can optimize the path to purchase, is an important step in utilizing this method of purchasing inventory. This advertising certification explains the traditional waterfalls, provides a step-by-step guide on the waterfall process and how advertising helps producers or companies know more about what their competitors are doing in order to be more competitive in the market. This course will benefit any digital marketing professional such as those in copywriting, brand influencing, graphic and advertising designing as well as those wanting to use the efficiency an

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment


Google Drive
Adobe Illustrator
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Experience Level

Google Drive
Adobe Illustrator
Book Cover
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Social Media Design
Web Design
Business Card
Adobe InDesign
T-shirt Design
Promo Video
App Design
Email Design
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