
I have forty years’ experience as a professional musician and music educator. I have successfully managed and taught music courses in further, higher and private education. Additionally, I am an examiner of grades and diplomas


I have forty years’ experience as a professional musician and music educator. I have successfully managed and taught music courses in further, higher and private education. Additionally, I am an examiner of grades and diplomas for London College of Music. I am familiar with a variety of music syllabi and have taught a broad range of topics in the music curriculum including; theory, business, recording techniques etc. As a performer I have been recognised for work with a variety of musicians including

Available to hire

I have forty years’ experience as a professional musician and music educator.
I have successfully managed and taught music courses in further, higher and private education. Additionally, I am an examiner of grades and diplomas for London College of Music. I am familiar with a variety of music syllabi and have taught a broad range of topics in the music curriculum including; theory, business, recording techniques etc.

As a performer I have been recognised for work with a variety of musicians including Kate Bush and Iron Maiden and have been listed in the ‘International Who’s Who of

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BA (Hons) Communication Studies at Nottingham Trent University
October 19, 2024 - October 19, 1999
B Mus Composition & Orchestration at Royaal College Music
October 19, 1993 - June 24, 1983
MA Education (Management) at The Open University
October 19, 2024 - May 29, 1999


MA Education Management
November 5, 2024 - November 5, 2024
2022 Data Protection, Cyber Security, Equality & Diversity, Anti-Bribery and Prevent Duty 2018 Safeguarding 2017 Prevent for Leaders & Managers 2001 LeTTol (Learning To Teach Online) 1999 MA (Education Management) 1998 Educational Management in Action 1997 Effective Leadership & Management in Education Language & Literacy in Social Context 1993 BA(Hons) Communication Studies 1990 C & G 730 (I & II) Teachers Certificate 1983 Dip. Composition and Orchestration 1979 A.B.R.S.M. Grade VIII, Guitar