Hey, I'm Davide Impilloni, an Italian guitarist and producer. I started playing the guitar really early, at 4 years old, and growing up I discovered I liked to play also other instruments, but I kept on studying guitar and I got in 2020 an first level degree bachelor in jazz guitar, in 2022 I got the second level. I spent one year abroad in Haarlem, Netherlands, and I discovered that i love to produce songs. I got into the producing stuff and in 2023 I released my fist single, Artico . ° _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_ Now I work as a guitar teacher and producer, and I'd love to help you produce your own songs, contact me and we'll deal with all the details Here's my IG for some music and videos ° _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_

Davide Impilloni

Hey, I'm Davide Impilloni, an Italian guitarist and producer. I started playing the guitar really early, at 4 years old, and growing up I discovered I liked to play also other instruments, but I kept on studying guitar and I got in 2020 an first level degree bachelor in jazz guitar, in 2022 I got the second level. I spent one year abroad in Haarlem, Netherlands, and I discovered that i love to produce songs. I got into the producing stuff and in 2023 I released my fist single, Artico . ° _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_ Now I work as a guitar teacher and producer, and I'd love to help you produce your own songs, contact me and we'll deal with all the details Here's my IG for some music and videos ° _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_

Available to hire

Hey, I’m Davide Impilloni, an Italian guitarist and producer. I started playing the guitar really early, at 4 years old, and growing up I discovered I liked to play also other instruments, but I kept on studying guitar and I got in 2020 an first level degree bachelor in jazz guitar, in 2022 I got the second level.
I spent one year abroad in Haarlem, Netherlands, and I discovered that i love to produce songs. I got into the producing stuff and in 2023 I released my fist single, Artico .

° Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup

Now I work as a guitar teacher and producer, and I’d love to help you produce your own songs, contact me and we’ll deal with all the details

Here’s my IG for some music and videos

° Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup

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Bachelor of Jazz guitar 1 level at Saint Louis College of Rome, Rome ( latium, italy )
September 14, 2016 - February 14, 2020
Bachelor of Jazz guitar 2 level at Saint Louis College of Rome, Rome ( latium, italy )
September 14, 2020 - July 14, 2022


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