I’m a freelancer who specializes in photography, (mainly photojournalism and documentary photography), as well as general post-production, (Photoshop, Lightroom, InDesign). I am based in London and Belgrade.
In 2004, after gaining PgDip in Photojournalism, (London College of Communication, University of Arts), I started a work placement at NB Pictures with one goal; to become a person that can be relied on and called upon when extra work is available. Within 3 months of internship, I was moved to a trial period, which ended with a full-paid position. Key tasks included production and postproduction; editing stories for foreign agents, and managing the website.
Nowadays, my work is divided between Belgrade and London, and I often commute between the two. I am used to working to a tight deadline. For example, when a client wants photographs taken today, to be fully processed in Photoshop and finally, delivered yesterday… For this purpose only, I invented the time machine… Wait. What?
Joking aside, I understand the importance of quick delivery and/or identifying priority workload. I worked alone and I worked as a team member, most notably at the NB Pictures. Clients include The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Telegraph, GEO, Newsweek, BBC, Time Out, Action for Blind People, Bridging the Arts, World Vision, British Council, UNAFF – United Nations Association Film Festival.
Day-to-day duties included liaising closely with national and international magazines and newspapers, mainly with picture desks and picture editors, but also with book publishers, private collectors, educational institutions, etc. Negotiating sales, showcasing portfolios, setting up appointments, digital post-production, delivering photographs to clients, and dealing with any queries and/or odd tasks in general, was all part of the job; and yes, that included the occasional lifting of an 80kg crate, full of framed photographs by Sebastiao Salgado.
For references, please contact Neil Burgess at the NB Pictures, Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup
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