
Welcome to my folio. Here are some examples of previous work. The listed rate is to hire me as a freelancer, for other work, feel free to contact me and we can work something out. Otherwise, if you wish to learn more about me,

Welcome to my folio. Here are some examples of previous work. The listed rate is to hire me as a freelancer, for other work, feel free to contact me and we can work something out. Otherwise, if you wish to learn more about me, please look at my LinkedIn page - or alternatively, I've summarised my experiences below. **Who am I?** Stories do more than just turn heads; they can amaze and surprise people - and empower your ideas and brands to make people cry "wow!". A motion graphics designer and

Available to hire

Welcome to my folio. Here are some examples of previous work.

The listed rate is to hire me as a freelancer, for other work, feel free to contact me and we can work something out.

Otherwise, if you wish to learn more about me, please look at my LinkedIn page - or alternatively, I’ve summarised my experiences below.

Who am I?

Stories do more than just turn heads; they can amaze and surprise people - and empower your ideas and brands to make people cry “wow!”.

A motion graphics designer and video editor with over 5 years of experience in freelance and volunteer work, I seek to not just create content, but tell your story.

As a freelancer who has worked with clients ranging from a social media agency with ties to Maybeline and other makeup companies, to environmental organisations and musicians, I’ve created and edited live-action and animated videos in a range of styles, from short idents, to a 40-minute music video.

As a storyteller and idea creator who is driven by deadlines and a desire to collaborate, I hope we can make content that engages people together.

[Twine hides links unless you sign in. Copy and paste these in, removing the spaces. If one of the links is hidden, contact details can be found in the other links.]
Email: justinmcphee @ dreamweaverdesign .net
Website: vimeo .com/dreamweaverdesign
LinkedIn: www.linkedin .com/in/justin-mcphee-56327b150/

Professional and Volunteer Work:

Video Editor and Multimedia Team Lead (Volunteer): The Thrive Project
Feb 2022-Present

They are a volunteer-run sustainability education platform that seeks to help humanity live in harmony with nature and each other.

The role involves:
-Creating and editing video content for social media and YouTube
-Team member liaison
-Managing the THRIVE Project YouTube channel, including the creation of thumbnails and video descriptions.

Freelance Motion Designer: Self-employed
June 2018-Present

Worked with many brands and businesses to create animations and edit video content, both short and long-form.

Notable clients include:
-Friends of the Earth: An advocacy organisation centred around environmental and social justice.
-True Characters: An agency that creates social media videos and other content for make-up companies including Maybeline, La Roche Posay, and others.
-Tailor Birds: Experimental indie musicians. I made a 40-minute animated music video for them.

Volunteer Motion Designer: People of Purpose

They were a Melbourne-based social impact platform that aimed to connect and upskill change makers to drive positive change in local communities.

I created animated and live-action videos as part of their social media strategy, to promote their events and initiatives.

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Experience Level

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Illustrator
Explainer Video
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop


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Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Non-Profit Organization


Jul 2020
by Kim Nguyen
from People of Purpose

Leading With Purpose Promo Video

Justin has been a generous and enthusiastic contributor to People of Purpose’s projects. He has volunteered with People of Purpose as a video producer and motion graphic designer and always produces work to a high standard within tight deadlines. Justin is responsive to new feedback and his motion videos always exceeds our expectations. Justin has a strong work ethic and is always available to provide his insights and engage in new projects at a short notice.
    uniE608 Justin McPhee's Motion Design (and Video Editing) Showreel
    I’m Justin, a Melbourne, Australia-based motion graphics designer and video editor who strives to bring stories to life - no matter the style. From briefs and storyboards, to finalised videos, we can make it happen together. Having spent over 5 years creating video content in a variety of styles, I've
    uniE608 Tailor Birds - Stilts on the Water - Music Video
    I worked on and off for several months in late 2020 with Tailor Birds, experimental indie musicians with a chill ambient sound, to create both the full music video and the trailer seen above. They created a 40-minute song, “Stilts on the Water”, and they wanted a video inspired by the painterly CD
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    One episode in a series of videos I edited for The THRIVE Project, a volunteer-run sustainability education platform that seeks to help humanity live in harmony with nature and each other. The aim behind these is to highlight experts in the sustainability space, and inspire others to make changes in
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    uniE608 Friends of The Earth - Act on Climate Campaign - Launch Video
    A video for Friends of the Earth's Melbourne chapter. It involved working with other Friends of the Earth members to provide their voices, while I created the motion graphics (sounds, music and live-action footage came from royalty-free sources). This social media video aimed to drive "Act on Climate",
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    Created for a looping animation challenge, it aims to create an engaging little video centered around this adorable little slug creature in a cartoony world. Made in After Effects from handmade-styled drawings (made in Adobe Illustrator), it aims to evoke a sense of vividness. If you're looking for
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    "Keep dead quiet, but most of all, don’t stop moving no matter what..." Created for music production student, Lachlan Phipps, this song is part of a concept EP about a ragtag resistance facing off against a totalitarian government...and the horrors of war. Made for the track, "Backstreets", using
    uniE608 What’s That Thing In My Coffee?
    This forms part of a loose narrative series of 20-second videos about the lifeblood of Melbourne, coffee. I created the vector drawings and animated everything, while the sounds and other images are from royalty-free sources as listed below. The idea is that each piece, based on the end of the
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    "In the far-off year of 1999, a dark secret would change the world forever." With this trailer, I wanted to use motion graphics to not only convey a cinematic narrative, but immerse viewers in a futuristic cyberpunk world inspired by 80's sci-fi works. Made in After Effects, 2D shapes are