I grew up backstage in the world of ballet, so I quickly understood the front-of-house magic and reality behind the scenes. When it comes to selling/promoting a product, my thinking goes straight through how to catch clients' attention playfully. I see the world from various perspectives and enjoy searching for original ways to use that in my commercial creativity. I have always worked with storyboards and conceptual methodology. From my projects, you can see that in my creative process, I challenge myself and never search for easy options. I like planning and organising projects. Quickly see the vision of the final product idea. I am hardworking, and if I describe myself in one word, it would be - creative.

I grew up backstage in the world of ballet, so I quickly understood the front-of-house magic and reality behind the scenes. When it comes to selling/promoting a product, my thinking goes straight through how to catch clients' attention playfully. I see the world from various perspectives and enjoy searching for original ways to use that in my commercial creativity. I have always worked with storyboards and conceptual methodology. From my projects, you can see that in my creative process, I challenge myself and never search for easy options. I like planning and organising projects. Quickly see the vision of the final product idea. I am hardworking, and if I describe myself in one word, it would be - creative.

Available to hire

I grew up backstage in the world of ballet, so I quickly understood the front-of-house magic and reality behind the scenes.
When it comes to selling/promoting a product, my thinking goes straight through how to catch clients’ attention playfully. I see the world from various perspectives and enjoy searching for original ways to use that in my commercial creativity.
I have always worked with storyboards and conceptual methodology. From my projects, you can see that in my creative process, I challenge myself and never search for easy options. I like planning and organising projects. Quickly see the vision of the final product idea. I am hardworking, and if I describe myself in one word, it would be - creative.

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Freelance Gig

Experience Level

Freelance Gig



Photography Bachelor at London Metropolitan University
September 21, 2018 - July 14, 2021
Psychology Bachelor at Vytautas Magnus University
September 1, 2011 - June 18, 2015


Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Other, Healthcare, Retail, Travel & Hospitality
    uniE613 Still life photography
    4 years working as a product photographer https://www.twine.net/signin
    uniE613 Quarantine in fashion
    Because of the lockdown situation, I couldn’t use any models except my flatmate and me. I paid attention to how could I use my living space, also in which context we as models could represent a quarantine period. My previous work had whimsical clues, so I decided to stay on my truck and incorporate the most ridiculous symbols which appeared of coronavirus lockdown begging. The original idea was to do just self-portraits. Still, I wanted to include more context, physical evidence of atmosphere and storytelling elements, so I asked my flatmate to be a part of this project. I grew up in a ballet theatre backstage. Most of the time, I saw decorations and a theatrical way to present emotions and communication between two people, five people or with yourself. From my childhood, I saw things more colourful and positive than they are. Most of my photography works have my personal interpretation. What could be sad and boring I am converting to look fun and silly or dramatic? At least for myself. I wanted to create a fashion-style fairy tale. About two flatmates, a couple or brother and sister odd relationships. About their daily routine activities such as eating, sleeping, showering and about their entertainment (gardening, reading, board games and so on…). All this project makes me work 360 degrees as a photographer, model, stylist, retoucher and this little theatre decorator. I like this challenge. The process from the little vision in my head to the final product on a screen or paper. https://www.twine.net/signin
    uniE613 If you would live one day where would you like to end up?
    Every day people are dying for many reasons. You constantly hear on the news someone was killed, overdosed, suicided or just reached honourable ‘old age’. We all know that we live once and time is going so fast, but why are we still looking around more than focusing on our lives? This series of images invites you to stop and think about how temporary and frail everything around us is and to think about the really valuable things in life. Nothing new! But if it would be your last day today how would you spend it? Just remember more often to enjoy the moment. I used bugs for these Macro images to symbolise short-living and fragile creatures. You can find them everywhere around us and they are being killed unnoticed. Five photographs - Five reflections of possible ways to die. Accidents, ageing, suicide, unhealthy habits and disease. At the same moment, these images are both sad and playful. Although death is a serious topic, I wanted to reveal the bright and positive side of human existence. Death could be a celebration of your life. The odd composition and colour’s purpose is to bring your mind back into the present and stop living in autopilot mode. This idea came from my personal daily life experience. My work is a message to myself from my self-consciousness. And I am like everyone you. There are hundreds of motivational books and sentences written about how we should live and experience every second, but why we are always forgetting this understandable thing? Usually, this simple truth comes from a positive perspective, but this time I'm trying to reach the viewer through the side of tragedy. And I believe if this message would appear in front of our eyes more often it would be much more effective. https://www.twine.net/signin