
I'm a developer who specializes in... from... General Skills  Experienced Electronics Engineer/Technician.  Experienced Microcontrollers Firmware Developer.  Experienced Schematic Capture/PCB Designer.  Experienced


I'm a developer who specializes in... from... General Skills  Experienced Electronics Engineer/Technician.  Experienced Microcontrollers Firmware Developer.  Experienced Schematic Capture/PCB Designer.  Experienced Electronic Prototypes Developer/Researcher.  10+ years Microcontrollers Firmware Developer, 20+ years Electronics Engineering Developer/Repairer/Troubleshooter Give an introduction about yourself, who are you, what are your most 1- 2- Electronic Skills 

Available to hire

I’m a developer who specializes in… from…

General Skills

 Experienced Electronics Engineer/Technician.
 Experienced Microcontrollers Firmware Developer.
 Experienced Schematic Capture/PCB Designer.
 Experienced Electronic Prototypes Developer/Researcher.
 10+ years Microcontrollers Firmware Developer, 20+ years
Electronics Engineering Developer/Repairer/Troubleshooter
Give an introduction about yourself, who are you, what are your most 1-

2- Electronic Skills

 Excelent knowledge of Power Electronics, Opto-Electronics, Industrial
Electronics, Digital Electronics, Analogue Electronics.
Good Knowledge of design Schematics with Electroinic CADs and
Simulators: Orcad, Tango PCB, Pspice for Windows, Texas Instruments
Multisim Electronics Workbench 11, Protheus SCH PCB Sim, KiCAD,
DipTrace Electronic CAD, Eagle Electronic CAD

3- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Programming Skills

 Experienced Microcontrollers Programming Microchip PIC séries C &
Assembly Languages, Arduino with Atmel Microcontroller AVR 328; Texas
Instruments MSP430 launchpad séries C & Assembly Languages.
 Experienced programming in Assembly Language for CPUs: Zilog Z80,
Intel 8085, Intel x86 and Motorola 6809 microprocessors.
 Good Knowledge of Microcontrollers IDE Packages Microchip MPLAB
IDE, MikroC IDE, Arduino IDE, Energia for MSP430 microcontroller series
Arduino look alike IDE, Texas Instruments Code Composer IDE.

4- Projects, Science meetings participations

 Participation of Youth science meeting with project with CPU Zilog 1990,1991.
 Setup my homemade photovoltaic Charging Station to charging
several kinds of batteries and devices: mobile phones power banks; D, C,
AA, AAA size batteries; 12Vdc to 230 - 240Vac small electicity production
DC/AC inverter 360Watts/600VA
 Created na Microcontrollers Modular Testing Workbench with
removable parts with LCD Character Module or Graphical LCD Module.for
Firmware/Hardware Development

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Freelance Gig

Experience Level

Freelance Gig




Associate Degree at AFTEBI
August 11, 2011 - January 25, 2013
Automation, Robotics and Industrial Control


Automation, Robotics and Industrial Control Associate
June 11, 2011 - January 25, 2013
17 Mark on the scale (0 to 20)

Industry Experience

Computers & Electronics, Consumer Goods, Professional Services, Software & Internet
    uniE621 Microcontroller prototype Board Testing
    Microcontrollers Firmware Programming and Visual Basic Programming/Microcontrollers Hardware Design and Development. • Instrumentation and Measurements – Voltage, Current, Wattage, Frequency etc… • Industrial Automation – Processes Control and Values Acquisition, Sensor Readings. PLC
    uniE621 Microcontroller prototype Board
    Microcontrollers Firmware Programming and Visual Basic Programming/Microcontrollers Hardware Design and Development. • Instrumentation and Measurements – Voltage, Current, Wattage, Frequency etc… • Industrial Automation – Processes Control and Values Acquisition, Sensor Readings. PLC
    uniE621 Visual Basic App communications with a Microcontroller
    Microcontrollers Firmware Programming and Visual Basic Programming/Microcontrollers Hardware Design and Development. • Instrumentation and Measurements – Voltage, Current, Wattage, Frequency etc… • Industrial Automation – Processes Control and Values Acquisition, Sensor Readings. PLC
    uniE621 Visual Basic Programming for Hardware Applications:
    Microcontrollers Firmware Programming and Visual Basic Programming/Microcontrollers Hardware Design and Development. • Instrumentation and Measurements – Voltage, Current, Wattage, Frequency etc… • Industrial Automation – Processes Control and Values Acquisition, Sensor Readings. PLC

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