I'm a musician from Mexico who specialises in short films and instrumental compositions. With a degree in Contemporary Music, I create unique and engaging musical experiences. My expertise encompasses music composition, arranging, and live performances music composition, arranging, and live performances, with a particular passion for crafting soundscapes that enhance visual storytelling. My background in Contemporary Music has equipped me with both the technical proficiency and creative vision necessary to excel in a wide range of musical endeavours. My goal is to deliver immersive and memorable auditory experiences that captivate audiences and elevate the narratives they accompany.

Eric Reyes

I'm a musician from Mexico who specialises in short films and instrumental compositions. With a degree in Contemporary Music, I create unique and engaging musical experiences. My expertise encompasses music composition, arranging, and live performances music composition, arranging, and live performances, with a particular passion for crafting soundscapes that enhance visual storytelling. My background in Contemporary Music has equipped me with both the technical proficiency and creative vision necessary to excel in a wide range of musical endeavours. My goal is to deliver immersive and memorable auditory experiences that captivate audiences and elevate the narratives they accompany.

Available to hire

I’m a musician from Mexico who specialises in short films and instrumental compositions. With a degree in Contemporary Music, I create unique and engaging musical experiences. My expertise encompasses music composition, arranging, and live performances music composition, arranging, and live performances, with a particular passion for crafting soundscapes that enhance visual storytelling.

My background in Contemporary Music has equipped me with both the technical proficiency and creative vision necessary to excel in a wide range of musical endeavours. My goal is to deliver immersive and memorable auditory experiences that captivate audiences and elevate the narratives they accompany.

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Short Film
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Experience Level

Short Film
Music Video
Stop Motion Animation
3D Design


Spanish; Castilian


Bachelor of Arts at Universidad Anáhuac México
August 5, 2019 - May 25, 2024


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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Professional Services
    uniE608 Music and Visuals for a Puff Jacket Commercial
    For this project, I composed the music for a fictional commercial promoting a winter puff jacket. The commercial showcases people using the jacket in various winter scenarios, such as ski resorts, snowboarding, and as a stylish part of their outfits. To complement the visuals, I selected cold textures for the music to evoke the crisp, high-altitude air of the mountains. The genre chosen was Drum and Bass (DnB) to infuse the commercial with the dynamic energy of winter sports, enhancing the overall appeal and excitement of the jacket.
    uniE603 "Winchester Mystery" — Original composition
    This project involved composing an original jazzy piece inspired by Sarah L. Winchester, the widow of firearms magnate William Wirt Winchester, and her enigmatic residence, the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. The composition reflects the eerie and historical ambiance of the mansion, which became a tourist attraction shortly after Winchester's death in 1922. The piece is divided into two parts: Part A captures the essence of Sarah Winchester's life before becoming a widow, while Part B portrays the atmosphere of the mansion and her life thereafter. The jazzy style was chosen to evoke a sense of nostalgia and mystery, aligning with the timeline and the haunting aura of the Winchester Mystery House.
    uniE603 "Fight for the Waterhole" — Musical Interpretation
    This composition exercise required creating a musical piece inspired by a visual work. I chose the painting "Fight for the Waterhole" by Frederic Remington, evoking the dramatic and intense atmosphere of the depicted scene. Embracing the cowboy theme, I drew inspiration from "American Venom" by Woody Jackson, featured in the video game Red Dead Redemption 2. The piece portrays the conflict between cowboys and Indians battling for a waterhole in the middle of the desert. To capture the era's essence, I incorporated a banjo and added percussion to impart a military feel, enhancing the tension and drama of the scene.
    uniE603 "Forty Seven" — Piano & Bass Composition
    This project involved composing a simple yet expressive original piece for piano and bass. The composition focuses on creating a harmonious blend between the two instruments, showcasing a balance of melodic and rhythmic elements. The piece is designed to highlight the interplay between the piano and bass, delivering a cohesive and engaging musical experience.
    uniE608 "GNG" — Original Pop Song
    This project involved the creation of an original pop song featuring bass, drums, piano, and voice, accompanied by a music video. The song's structure was crafted with a strong emphasis on melodic development, blending catchy melodies. Collaborating with a talented lyricist, we aimed to produce a straightforward pop song that resonates with listeners. The music video was created using stock footage, visually capturing the essence of the song and enhancing the overall experience.
    uniE608 "Seguro de Muerte" — Short Film
    A short film in Spanish made my somebody else. I made the music (scored it) for the film. score filmscore shortfilm
    uniE608 "Las Serpientes" — Short Film
    For this project, I composed the music for a stop-motion short film that blends elements of comedy and tragedy, described by the director as a tragicomedy. The references provided were trippy and synesthetic, guiding me to create a unique auditory experience that complements the whimsical and slightly surreal narrative of the film. The music enhances the visual storytelling, adding depth and character to the scenes, while maintaining a playful yet poignant tone. stopmotion shortfilm scoring soundtrack sounddesign

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