Who? – Hi! My name is Gareth. What? – I’m a 2D animator working in a wide range of styles, techniques and mediums. As comfortable drawing every frame as I am creating slick transitions between vector shapes. Why? – Because I’ve got to! I’ve been a professional animator since the year 2000, and still love what I do for a living. I’m still excited to learn new tricks, experiment with new styles, and play with new tools as well as using all I’ve learnt along the way. Where? – I’m based in Crickhowell, nestled in the beautiful Bannau Brycheiniog in Wales. I’ve been living and working here since moving back from a decade living and working in that London in 2010. I’m super self-motivated and disciplined, so remote work has never been a problem, but I’m also happy to commute, or even relocate if the location (and job!) is right (Any companies based in hot sunny seaside countries? Hi!). --- **Employment and project experience** **2D Animator, Motion Designer & Illustrator ** Freelance. _March 2003 - Present_ **Lead Animator** Tiny Wizard Studio. _September 2019 - December 2023_ **Director and Co-Owner** Axolotl Media Ltd. _August 2017 - March 2020_

Gareth Axford

Who? – Hi! My name is Gareth. What? – I’m a 2D animator working in a wide range of styles, techniques and mediums. As comfortable drawing every frame as I am creating slick transitions between vector shapes. Why? – Because I’ve got to! I’ve been a professional animator since the year 2000, and still love what I do for a living. I’m still excited to learn new tricks, experiment with new styles, and play with new tools as well as using all I’ve learnt along the way. Where? – I’m based in Crickhowell, nestled in the beautiful Bannau Brycheiniog in Wales. I’ve been living and working here since moving back from a decade living and working in that London in 2010. I’m super self-motivated and disciplined, so remote work has never been a problem, but I’m also happy to commute, or even relocate if the location (and job!) is right (Any companies based in hot sunny seaside countries? Hi!). --- **Employment and project experience** **2D Animator, Motion Designer & Illustrator ** Freelance. _March 2003 - Present_ **Lead Animator** Tiny Wizard Studio. _September 2019 - December 2023_ **Director and Co-Owner** Axolotl Media Ltd. _August 2017 - March 2020_

Available to hire

Who? – Hi! My name is Gareth.

What? – I’m a 2D animator working in a wide range of styles, techniques and mediums. As comfortable drawing every frame as I am creating slick transitions between vector shapes.

Why? – Because I’ve got to! I’ve been a professional animator since the year 2000, and still love what I do for a living. I’m still excited to learn new tricks, experiment with new styles, and play with new tools as well as using all I’ve learnt along the way.

Where? – I’m based in Crickhowell, nestled in the beautiful Bannau Brycheiniog in Wales. I’ve been living and working here since moving back from a decade living and working in that London in 2010. I’m super self-motivated and disciplined, so remote work has never been a problem, but I’m also happy to commute, or even relocate if the location (and job!) is right (Any companies based in hot sunny seaside countries? Hi!).

Employment and project experience

**2D Animator, Motion Designer & Illustrator ** Freelance.
March 2003 - Present

Lead Animator Tiny Wizard Studio.
September 2019 - December 2023

Director and Co-Owner Axolotl Media Ltd.
August 2017 - March 2020

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Adobe After Effects
2D Animation
Freehand Digital Illustration
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Experience Level

Adobe After Effects
2D Animation
Freehand Digital Illustration
Explainer Video
Character Design
Motion Graphic
Pencil Illustration
Narrative Illustration
Corporate Video
Short Film
Adobe Animate
Promo Video
Childrens Book Illustration
Music Video
Spot Illustration
Fantasy Illustration
Advertising Illustration
Book Illustration
Editorial Illustration
Comic Strip
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Greek, Modern


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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment
    uniE613 Amba
    https://vimeo.com/912861757 A series of case study animations - showing how Amba can help both carers and the people they look after. Amba Health & Care provides technology to improve care for the elderly and those needing assistance. They offer a system that uses sensors placed around a resident's room to track sleep, activity, and movement. This data is then sent to a dashboard for caregivers to monitor resident well-being. The aim is to deliver more personalized care and identify any issues before they become serious. Amba's system can also integrate with existing equipment and adapt as a resident's needs change. https://vimeo.com/912862245 Amba commissioned a series of 4 animated videos aimed at care givers, those that need care and also investors. The videos are presented as 4 'case studies', looking at four different people and showing how Amba's technology helps them to live their lives with a little more dignity and independence, whilst still being kept safe and cared for by care professionals. https://vimeo.com/912863246 The case studies are based on the stories of four real people, names and identities were changed, obviously! https://vimeo.com/912865350 Another important part of the job was animating Amba's logo, incorporating their 'pulse' motif and adding that little extra finishing touch to the videos.
    uniE613 DS Smith - Circular Economy
    https://vimeo.com/912649457 DS Smith is a big player in the world of packaging solutions, particularly cardboard and containerboard. Chances are, if you've received a package made from recycled cardboard, DS Smith had a hand in its manufacture. I have to admit, before working on this animation, I had no idea who DS Smith were, but now I'm aware of them, I see their logo everywhere! As part of their drive towards net-zero, DS Smith is trying to close the loop on packaging by designing for reusability and recyclability, collecting used materials, and turning them into new packaging. They call this their 'Circular Economy', and they needed a succinct, engaging and clear way of getting that concept across. Enter the animated explainer! Working from designs and storyboards created by other super talented creatives, I built and animated this video using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects. I had particular fun with the section with the section in which a a cardboard box folds itself together, gets delivered, is used to store kitchen utensils for a move, is converted into a rocket, then lands in the recycling bin.
    uniE613 Drug Test on Arrest
    A series of animations for use in informing and training police officers on implementing expanded Drug Test on Arrest power. https://vimeo.com/928044467 Police forces across the UK have been able to use Drug Test on Arrest (DToA) as a tool of the Drug Intervention Program since 2003, but this tool was not being used consistently across police forces, with less than half of forces across England and Wales reporting DToA data to the Home Office and the use of tests within these forces varying significantly.* In October 2021 it was announced that the government would invest millions of pounds of funding over next 3 and a half years to encourage forces to set up or expand DToA activities, and Gwent Police was one of 36 forces that accepted the funding offer and set about implementing the necessary changes. As part of their raft of changes they decided to put together a series of animated videos to help train their officers in the use of DToA, along with an app to make the process simple and easy for officers. *Taken from the Home Office's DToA summary I designed and animated four of these videos, and provided character designs and background animation for a fifth video. Each video covered a different aspect or topic that fell within the DToA remit, the first one explained DToA as a whole, The second video detailed the process within custody, the third as it related to domestic violence and sexual offences, and the fourth focused on violent crime and weapon offences. https://vimeo.com/931485873 Each animation featured a range of characters from different backgrounds on both sides of the law. When designing and animating videos like this I always try to develop back stories for every character, whether they are the 'star' of the film or incidental, it helps me to make the animation more rounded and believable. https://vimeo.com/925027706 Gwent Police loved the animations so much they told other police forces all about them, and subsequently the videos and supporting material have been rebranded for 3 others - Dyfed Powys, Cambridgeshire and North Yorkshire.
    uniE613 Bumblebee Conservation Trust
    https://vimeo.com/912665553 The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is a UK charity devoted to protecting bumblebees. With three species of bumblebee already extinct in the UK, and 9 more threatened, their mission is to reverse the decline of bumblebee populations in the UK. Part of that mission is raising awareness about bumblebees - their life cycle, their diet, their ideal habitat, and what we can do as big stinky humans to help bumblebees survive and thrive. This animation is all about the nesting habits of queen bumblebees, and features our star - a white tailed bumblebee - as she emerges from hibernation and goes about seeking the perfect place for a new nest. I am an unabashed animal nut, always have been, my bookshelves are groaning with natural history books and I never miss an Attenborough documentary, so it was an absolute joy to design and animate these fuzzy queens. I needed to strike a balance between realistic (the viewer should be able to identify the species shown, as well as the other featured fauna and flora) and appealing (I'm afraid to say - bumblebee legs are a bit…offputting to non-entomologists, not to mention their faces!). The video went down a storm, with tens of thousands of views on youtube. It was written and designed in such a way that it could be split in to smaller snippets for use on instagram and other social media, where it has been racking up the likes and shares, raising awareness and hopefully doing it's part in reversing the plight of the bumblebee!
    uniE613 Aneurin Bevan NHS Trust - Help Us Help You
    https://vimeo.com/912647541 A series of videos informing the public as to which hospital to go to for different injuries or ailments. With the opening of the Grange University Hospital in 2020 and a subsequent rejigging of the capabilities and facilities at other hospitals in the area, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board needed to make the public aware of where they should go in the event of any injuries or ailments affecting them. They embarked on an information campaign, including a series of animations outlining where you should go when you need medical aid. The first video was shown in cinemas across the area, which was exciting! https://vimeo.com/931486785 I designed a raft of characters across all ages and backgrounds to try and fully represent the people that use ABUHB's hospitals. I kept the designs simple and engaging, and tried my best to inject a good chunk of light hearted humour into them to keep the videos eye-catching and entertaining as well as informative. https://vimeo.com/931486998 The animations were shown on screens in waiting rooms in hospitals and GP surgeries. They were accompanied by leaflets and posters also featuring my character designs. https://vimeo.com/931487347 As well as the obligatory Welsh version, the videos were also translated into 10 other languages to cover as broad a swathe of people from different cultures and ethnicities living in the area. Each language version came with its own set of challenges, some scenes needed extending to cover the amount of voiceover needed for the translation, some needed to be cut shorter whilst still keeping all the action. I had a blast working on these films, and I think it shows on screen!
    uniE613 Bumblebee Conservation Trust
    The Bumblebee Conservation Trust is a UK charity devoted to protecting bumblebees. With three species of bumblebee already extinct in the UK, and 9 more threatened, their mission is to reverse the decline of bumblebee populations in the UK. Part of that mission is raising awareness about bumblebees - their life cycle, their diet, their ideal habitat, and what we can do as big stinky humans to help bumblebees survive and thrive. This animation is all about the nesting habits of queen bumblebees, and features our star - a white tailed bumblebee - as she emerges from hibernation and goes about seeking the perfect place for a new nest. https://vimeo.com/912665553 I am an unabashed animal nut, always have been, my bookshelves are groaning with natural history books and I never miss an Attenborough documentary, so it was an absolute joy to design and animate these fuzzy queens. I needed to strike a balance between realistic (the viewer should be able to identify the species shown, as well as the other featured fauna and flora) and appealing (I'm afraid to say - bumblebee legs are a bit…offputting to non-entomologists, not to mention their faces!). The video went down a storm, with tens of thousands of views on youtube. It was written and designed in such a way that it could be split in to smaller snippets for use on instagram and other social media, where it has been racking up the likes and shares, raising awareness and hopefully doing it's part in reversing the plight of the bumblebee!
    uniE613 Veeqo - About Us
    https://vimeo.com/912663615 Veeqo is a multichannel ecommerce shipping software designed to streamline business's inventory, order, and shipping processes. Their fancy tech enables customers to print shipping labels directly through their platform, access discounted shipping rates from major carriers, utilise 'scan and pack' functionality to improve order accuracy, and earn 'Veeqo credits' with every shipment, earning cashback. Veeqo was acquired by Amazon, they commissioned videos to be used to show off their technology to other partners at Amazon's annual 'Accelerate' conference in Seattle. https://vimeo.com/912653951 The videos needed to be snappy, eye-catching and informative, with an upbeat, friendly tone of voice. They also needed to convey quite a bit of complex information about Veeqo's features without getting bogged down in too much technical jargon. We went big and bold with the motion design, using Veeqo's bold and bright brand colours and a constant sense of motion to really hammer home the message.
    uniE613 Showreel 2024
    https://vimeo.com/911498084 Here's my reel for 2024, featuring work from the past few years, mostly whilst working as Lead Animator at Tiny Wizard Studio. 0:00-0:07 - 'Nana's Game' - private commission. 0:07-0:11 - 'Minor Injuries Unit' - Tiny Wizard Studio (TWS) for Aneurin Bevan Health Board 0:11-0:13 - 'Stay Aware, Stay Safe, Stay Together' - TWS for St. David's College Cardiff. 0:13-0:18 - Product Explainer - TWS for Amazon Veeqo 0:18-0:26 - 'Circular Economy' - TWS for DS Smith 0:26-0:30 'Felix Kitten - Getting Away With It' - Craft Worldwide for Nestle Purina. 0:30-0:36 - TWS for Bengo Media 0:36-0:38 - 'Max' - TWS for Hafan/Stori 0:38-0:41 - 'About Us' - TWS for Welsh Cycling 0:41-00:45 - 'A Brand New Bumble Bee Queen' - TWS for The Bumblebee Conservation Trust 0:45-0:49 - 'Sue' - TWS for Amba/Hey I'm Joby 0:49-0:52 - 'Ruth' - Amba/Hey I'm Joby 0:52-0:55 - 'Early Help Team' - TWS for Cardiff Family Advice And Support.