BEBELU is a short animation video created entirely by me, from concept development to final production. The project showcases my skills in character design, 3D modeling, rigging, animation, story development, and post-production. The sound design and folio recording were also self-produced, while the music was sourced from various locations, blending it harmoniously into the final product.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Character Creation:
Concept Art: Hand-drawn character designs, from initial sketches to detailed concept illustrations.
3D Modeling: Translating 2D concepts into fully realized 3D models, ensuring a high level of detail and personality in each character.
Rigging: Developing the rigs for the characters, enabling realistic and expressive movement.
Scriptwriting and Storyboarding:
Scriptwriting: Crafted the story, dialogue, and pacing for the entire animation, aligning with the overall tone and themes.
Storyboarding: Created detailed storyboards that mapped out the visual flow of the animation, including camera angles and key scenes.
Directed and animated the entire project, focusing on creating smooth, engaging character movements that effectively convey the narrative.
Sound Folio: Personally recorded and produced the sound folio, ensuring it matched the on-screen action with precision.
Sound Design: Designed the overall soundscape, including background sounds, sound effects, and integrating the sourced music.
Music: Selected and mixed music from various sources to complement the tone and enhance the emotional impact of the animation.
Skills Demonstrated:
Character Design
3D Modeling & Rigging
Animation & Direction
Scriptwriting & Storyboarding
Sound Recording & Design
Please visit the project at:
Please visit the decription of the project:…BEBELU is a short animation video created entirely by me, from concept development to final production. The project showcases my skills in character design, 3D modeling, rigging, animation, story development, and post-production. The sound design and folio recording were also self-produced, while the music was sourced from various locations, blending it harmoniously into the final product.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Character Creation:
Concept Art: Hand-drawn character designs, from initial sketches to detailed concept illustrations.
3D Modeling: Translating 2D concepts into fully realized 3D models, ensuring a high level of detail and personality in each character.
Rigging: Developing the rigs for the characters, enabling realistic and expressive movement.
Scriptwriting and Storyboarding:
Scriptwriting: Crafted the story, dialogue, and pacing for the entire animation, aligning with the overall tone and themes.
Storyboarding: Created detailed storyboards that mapped out the visual flow of the animation, including camera angles and key scenes.
Directed and animated the entire project, focusing on creating smooth, engaging character movements that effectively convey the narrative.
Sound Folio: Personally recorded and produced the sound folio, ensuring it matched the on-screen action with precision.
Sound Design: Designed the overall soundscape, including background sounds, sound effects, and integrating the sourced music.
Music: Selected and mixed music from various sources to complement the tone and enhance the emotional impact of the animation.
Skills Demonstrated:
Character Design
3D Modeling & Rigging
Animation & Direction
Scriptwriting & Storyboarding
Sound Recording & Design
Please visit the project at:
Please visit the decription of the project:…