
I am a storyteller who paints a picture with keys and words. My music is a blend of soulful melodies and incisive lyrics, of concepts and raw emotions. I let my pianoplaying dance with various vocal techniques, such as chants


I am a storyteller who paints a picture with keys and words. My music is a blend of soulful melodies and incisive lyrics, of concepts and raw emotions. I let my pianoplaying dance with various vocal techniques, such as chants and opera singing, and experimental production approaches. Here is my composition portfolio (Scoring for media and my piano compositions): Here you can listen to my singer-songwriter stuff (Lyrics, vocal performance and

Available to hire

I am a storyteller who paints a picture with keys and words.

My music is a blend of soulful melodies and incisive lyrics, of concepts and raw emotions. I let my pianoplaying dance with various vocal techniques, such as chants and opera singing, and experimental production approaches.

Here is my composition portfolio (Scoring for media and my piano compositions):

Here you can listen to my singer-songwriter stuff (Lyrics, vocal performance and composition):

My composition portfolio:
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Experience Level



Greek, Modern
Spanish; Castilian


Bachelor of Arts at British Irish Modern Music University (BIMM)
July 20, 2024
Songwriting (Music)
Bachelor of Arts at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
July 21, 2024
Sociology and Philosophy


Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment
    uniE603 Phenomena 3: It's like a heartbreak
    This collection of songs is called 'Phenomena', and it conceptually captures the experience of human-made environmental degradation on the conciousness of individuals. I gathered infromarion through phenomenological interviews, aiming to bridge social sciences and music. 'Phenomena'
    uniE603 Phenomena 4: Be here as much as I can
    This collection of songs is called 'Phenomena', and it conceptually captures the experience of human-made environmental degradation on the conciousness of individuals. I gathered infromarion through phenomenological interviews, aiming to bridge social sciences and music. 'Phenomena'
    uniE603 Phenomena 1: I know something they don't
    This collection of songs is called 'Phenomena', and it conceptually captures the experience of human-made environmental degradation on the conciousness of individuals. I gathered infromarion through phenomenological interviews, aiming to bridge social sciences and music. 'Phenomena'
    uniE603 Phenomena 2: Hard to escape anyway
    This collection of songs is called 'Phenomena', and it conceptually captures the experience of human-made environmental degradation on the conciousness of individuals. I gathered infromarion through phenomenological interviews, aiming to bridge social sciences and music. 'Phenomena'
    uniE608 Alternative Music for 'Next Floor' (2008)
    This is a university project in which I aimed to create a sound scape and sonic palette that suits not only the visual, but also the topics atmosphere. I decided to focus on synth (plug-in: TAL Noise Maker) and orchestra tools (Spitfire). Making use of strategies such as Leitmotifs, Shephards notes,
    uniE608 Alternative Film music for 'Pan's Labyrinth' (2006)
    This was a university Project in which I made my first attempt to filmmusic. I worked mostly with Spitfire Plug-ins on Ableton, and I recorded the foley myself at home. filmmusic scoring

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