
I'm a freelancer who specializes in video editing an animation I pride myself on my creativity and ability to orchestrate my vision or other people's visions through the use of technical skills in various digital software. I have 7 years


I'm a freelancer who specializes in video editing an animation I pride myself on my creativity and ability to orchestrate my vision or other people's visions through the use of technical skills in various digital software. I have 7 years of experience in animation, and 5 years of experience in video editing. This includes but is not limited to, 3D modeling, 3D animation, 3D rendering, 2D Animation, 2d illustration, script writing, character animation, video production, motion graphic creation, photo editing, subtitle editing, and

Available to hire

I’m a freelancer who specializes in video editing an animation

I pride myself on my creativity and ability to orchestrate my vision or other people’s visions through the use of technical skills in various digital software. I have 7 years of experience in animation, and 5 years of experience in video editing. This includes but is not limited to, 3D modeling, 3D animation, 3D rendering, 2D Animation, 2d illustration, script writing, character animation, video production, motion graphic creation, photo editing, subtitle editing, and keyframe animation.

Below is a list of my skills in various skills in various digital programs
• Blender - 7 years
• Davinci Resolve - 5 years
• Sketchbook Pro - 4 years
• Harmony Premium - 4 years
• OBS- 3 years
• Streamlabs OBS - 2 years
• Premire Pro - 1 year
• Unreal Engine - 1 year
• Photoshop - 4 months

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Spanish; Castilian


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Industry Experience

Retail, Other, Computers & Electronics