Hi there! My name is Luca Rosa Schurink. I'm originally from the Netherlands. Where I studied graphic design. And for the last 7 years I traveled the world from Europe, South-East Asia, Australia, Central and Northern America. Now I settled down in Mexico City, ready to grow my career as a designer. My biggest passions are to create collage art, posters and graphics/patterns for clothing. For more than 5 years I have been highly skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. But, on top of that I am also experienced in video editing and animation. Working mostly with Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro for social media reels and even created a animated commercial. If you have more questions about my work, feel free to send me a message!


Hi there! My name is Luca Rosa Schurink. I'm originally from the Netherlands. Where I studied graphic design. And for the last 7 years I traveled the world from Europe, South-East Asia, Australia, Central and Northern America. Now I settled down in Mexico City, ready to grow my career as a designer. My biggest passions are to create collage art, posters and graphics/patterns for clothing. For more than 5 years I have been highly skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. But, on top of that I am also experienced in video editing and animation. Working mostly with Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro for social media reels and even created a animated commercial. If you have more questions about my work, feel free to send me a message!

Available to hire

Hi there!

My name is Luca Rosa Schurink. I’m originally from the Netherlands. Where I studied graphic design. And for the last 7 years I traveled the world from Europe, South-East Asia, Australia, Central and Northern America. Now I settled down in Mexico City, ready to grow my career as a designer.

My biggest passions are to create collage art, posters and graphics/patterns for clothing.

For more than 5 years I have been highly skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. But, on top of that I am also experienced in video editing and animation. Working mostly with Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro for social media reels and even created a animated commercial.

If you have more questions about my work, feel free to send me a message!

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Freelance Gig
adobe acrobat pro
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
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Experience Level

Freelance Gig
adobe acrobat pro
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
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Spanish; Castilian


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Industry Experience

Other, Agriculture & Mining, Media & Entertainment, Professional Services, Real Estate & Construction, Retail, Travel & Hospitality
    uniE613 Calvin Klein Asia
    Only select graphics were chosen and executed upon, see ‘*’ for selected graphics others are for creative or process purposes. All graphics created in collaboration with Atelier Zeta LTD.
    uniE613 Digital Collage Art
    A range of digital collage artworks that I made. All artworks are made in AdobePhotoshop and AdobeIllustrator.