
I have been linked to the world of the arts since my birth, given the profession of my parents, both orchestral musicians. The passage of different people, from different art edges, through my childhood, could nurture, from an


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I have been linked to the world of the arts since my birth, given the profession of my parents, both orchestral musicians. The passage of different people, from different art edges, through my childhood, could nurture, from an early age, my interest in expressive worlds and the integration between them. looking for my path. I was trained as a trained double bass player, but I always had an interest in popular music. As a musician with diverse influences, my creation is characterized by being versatile

Available to hire

I have been linked to the world of the arts since my birth, given the profession of my parents, both orchestral musicians. The passage of different people, from different art edges, through my childhood, could nurture, from an early age, my interest in expressive worlds and the integration between them. looking for my path. I was trained as a trained double bass player, but I always had an interest in popular music. As a musician with diverse influences, my creation is characterized by being versatile and hybrid. Without being able to deny my passion for rock, my passage through the music of written tradition, creation through electronic media, and my intense love for folklore, my music speaks of fusions and diversity, using different sound media to carry its message.I’ve been related to video games since I was 5 years old, when I met the Atari 800. Dedicating my attention and my great audition to their sounds and music, this has been the soundtrack of my life.

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Pro Tools

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Pro Tools


Spanish; Castilian


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Avid Certified User Pro Tools
November 29, 2021

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Education


Mar 2022
by Javier Cortes

Jingle "Agencia Banana"

Lucho Lemus is a great professional, truly a partner where we find creativity, commitment and much more, he is a true ally in your project.
    uniE603 Noche - Lucho Lemus
    A work just for make music, an own song. All instrument played by my self. music vocal song electronic song pop
    uniE603 (DEMO) epic, Solemn, coronation
    music instrumental soundtrack
    uniE603 (DEMO) Chase, race, action - Rock
    music instrumental soundtrack

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