Adelia Maghfira, also known as Maghfirare, is a full-time comic artist, illustrator, and content creator. Since the age of 16, Adelia has been dedicated to crafting comics and captivating social media content. With a focus on comedy and slice of life genres, Adelia's creative prowess shines through their work. Throughout her 10-year career, Adelia has worked and collaborated with over 50 local and international brands in making engaging social media comics.

Adelia Maghfira, also known as Maghfirare, is a full-time comic artist, illustrator, and content creator. Since the age of 16, Adelia has been dedicated to crafting comics and captivating social media content. With a focus on comedy and slice of life genres, Adelia's creative prowess shines through their work. Throughout her 10-year career, Adelia has worked and collaborated with over 50 local and international brands in making engaging social media comics.

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Adelia Maghfira, also known as Maghfirare, is a full-time comic artist, illustrator, and content creator.
Since the age of 16, Adelia has been dedicated to crafting comics and captivating social media content. With a focus on comedy and slice of life genres, Adelia’s creative prowess shines through their work. Throughout her 10-year career, Adelia has worked and collaborated with over 50 local and international brands in making engaging social media comics.

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