
I'm a filmmaker who specializes in Motion graphics and animation 2D from Colombia with experience in creating fiction and animation, in all its stages (development to post-production). With knowledge and experience in the

Maicol Beltran


I'm a filmmaker who specializes in Motion graphics and animation 2D from Colombia with experience in creating fiction and animation, in all its stages (development to post-production). With knowledge and experience in the post-production area doing audiovisual edition for cinema, advertising and digital projects at the level local and international. I have also developed motion graphics and animations for short films, corporate projects and studios international. I have mastery of the Adobe suite and 3D

Available to hire

I’m a filmmaker who specializes in Motion graphics and animation 2D from Colombia

with experience in creating fiction and animation, in all its stages (development to post-production). With knowledge and experience in the post-production area doing audiovisual edition for cinema, advertising and digital projects at the level
local and international. I have also developed motion graphics and animations for short films, corporate projects and studios international. I have mastery of the Adobe suite and 3D programs as cinema 4D,
also highlighting that I have been selected as participant in audiovisual markets such as BAM and festivals cinematographic like BOGOSHORTS.


Motion graphics and animations
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Employment and project experience

Video Editor See More Edits (EE.UU).
January 2018 - May 2020

Motion Designer Le Cloud.
January 2017 - March 2020

Qualifications and education
BA in Film & Digital Arts at Manuela Beltran University

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Experience Level

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro
MAXON Cinema 4D
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Industry Experience

Education, Healthcare, Media & Entertainment, Software & Internet
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