
Gifted composer, arranger and performer in funk, hip-hop, rap, comedic, classical, romantic, rock, pop, prog rock, music for film and theatre. Interested in and learning about music for games. Open to composing, arranging,



Gifted composer, arranger and performer in funk, hip-hop, rap, comedic, classical, romantic, rock, pop, prog rock, music for film and theatre. Interested in and learning about music for games. Open to composing, arranging, sound design and performing opportunities. Exceptional musical ear and an innate ability to come up with new original ideas as well as a “strong creative voice” (John Hardy, RWCMD). Effective collaborator, story-teller, and team-member, always working to get the most out of a

Available to hire

Gifted composer, arranger and performer in funk, hip-hop, rap, comedic, classical, romantic, rock, pop, prog rock, music for film and theatre. Interested in and learning about music for games.

Open to composing, arranging, sound design and performing opportunities.

Exceptional musical ear and an innate ability to come up with new original ideas as well as a “strong creative voice” (John Hardy, RWCMD). Effective collaborator, story-teller, and team-member, always working to get the most out of a group.

Comments from RWCMD examiners on composing and arranging work:

“Skilled story-teller with music, with a proclivity for whimsy and comedic writing”
“A real joy – lots of intriguing influences and interesting structural decisions”
“A rich listening experience; I enjoyed repeated listenings that revealed layers of detail”
“A really positive approach to the joy of collaborating and creating, invoking humour and comedy wherever possible”
“Full of invention, character and interest”

Also an accomplished actor in plays and musical theatre, a grade 8 singer (bass voice) and member of an exciting new indie rock band - Monday’s Monsoon.

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Lead Vocal
Ableton Live
Avid media composer
Music Video

Experience Level

Lead Vocal
Ableton Live
Avid media composer
Music Video




Bachelor of Music (Hons 2:1) at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
September 1, 2019 - July 8, 2023
I studied Composition for 4 years at the RWCMD where I developed a wide range of skills including audio manipulation, recording techniques, outreach and teaching skills. During my time at the Royal Welsh, I expanded my portfolio, experimenting in a wide variety of genres and with a variety of different techniques, both digital and analog. I was commissioned by the drama department to create the soundtrack for a short film. I worked as part of a team of three. We split the workload effectively to produce good results in a short period of time. The film was well-received by the audience. I put on a performance of all-original funk music in my final year. For the concert, I wrote and scored all the parts, as well as organising players and rehearsals. The concert was a huge success and garnered a great deal of positive feedback.
A Levels English Literature (A), Music (B) and Drama (B) at The Fallibroome Academy
July 10, 2018


Grade 8 Singing
June 1, 2018
Selected to study as a singer and composer at the Junior Royal Northern College of Music

Industry Experience

Non-Profit Organization, Travel & Hospitality
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    uniE603 Sense for Calm
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    uniE603 Starlings
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    uniE608 Piece of me
    This is a rap track I wrote in my first year of university. The track is comedic, but I think it exhibits some really creative lyricism and flows and I enjoy the beat. I'm planning on revamping this track with my current knowledge and expertise, which I'm extremely excited about.
    uniE603 Running Over - Demo Track
    This is a piece I wrote to be part of an all - original live funk concert that I organised in my final year of university. The track is a long-form funk/reggae fusion, heavily influenced by the style of bands like Fat Freddie's Drop. This piece features extensive looping in the intro, building up the texture as it
    uniE603 Hot Contents - Demo Track
    This is another piece from my final year concert. This is a stompy, high energy funk track with an explosive opening and heavy grooves.