
I'm an actress who specializes in film from 2013 My name is Ninda, from Indonesia. As an actress I have a few skill to help me fulfill it. Like singing, presenting, dancing, sometimes also writing, observing and analyzing.


I'm an actress who specializes in film from 2013 My name is Ninda, from Indonesia. As an actress I have a few skill to help me fulfill it. Like singing, presenting, dancing, sometimes also writing, observing and analyzing. Since 2013 i also play in a stage show or theatre. I like being and understanding one or more characters in the story' line of movie or theatre. So I know what's life is it or how to be a human being. And There is a few experience of me : MOVIE and TV Drama 1. DramaTV Kinasih as Ayu produced by

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I’m an actress who specializes in film from 2013

My name is Ninda, from Indonesia. As an actress I have a few skill to help me fulfill it. Like singing, presenting, dancing, sometimes also writing, observing and analyzing.
Since 2013 i also play in a stage show or theatre. I like being and understanding one or more characters in the story’ line of movie or theatre. So I know what’s life is it or how to be a human being.

And There is a few experience of me :

MOVIE and TV Drama

  1. DramaTV Kinasih as Ayu produced by TVRI Jogja 2020
  2. A part of “Ibu” directed by Jeihan Angga and “Gatot Kaca” directed by Hanung Bramantyo Movies (Produced by Dapur Film 2020)
  3. “Ziemassvetkidzunglos” (produced by Studija Lokomotive- from Latvia 2019)
  4. Web series Tunnel Indonesia (2019) Website not available. Sign in:
  5. Short Movie "Kemanten” (2019- Semi Finalist Student Academy Award-Oscar, Festival Film Indonesia Nomine and Best Short Movie Festival Film Lampung 2020) directed by Imam Syafi’i
  6. Trilogy Empu : Sugar on the Weaver’s Chair (2018 - GIFF and Balinale Official Selection 2021) directed by Harvan Agustriansyah
    7.Short Movie “Ruah/The Melediction” Prod (2016-Best short Movie FFI 2017) Website not available. Sign in: directed by Makbul Mubarak
  7. Short Movie “Neng Kene Aku Ngenteni Koe”( 2015 -Ganesha Award 2016) directed by Jeihan Angga
    Website not available. Sign in:
  8. Biographical Love Me Tender directed by Triyanto ‘Genthong’ Hapsoro
  9. Pemeran Lastri dalam Drama TV Nyoto karya Flow Media, MMTC 2017
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Opening Performance for Pesta Boneka #7(2020), Rumah Boneka (A Doll House)(2019), Kepangkon (for Festival Teater Bantul 2019), Karnaval Terakhir (2018 with Komunitas Sakatoya), Kisah Cinta di Pantai Utara (2018 adaptasi kisah Roro Mendut), Memedi Sawah (for Festival Teater Bantul-2018), Hedda Gabler (2017 with Saturday Acting Club), Membaca Dee : Supernova (2017 with Annisa Hertami), The Art of Improvisation (2016 with Saturday Acting Club) and Cupu Manik Hastagina (2015), Pemeran Pembayun pada pementasan Teater Kolosal Mangir (2014)

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Actor Showreel
Lead Vocal
Short Film



Bachelor of Communication at Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University
August 1, 2013 - August 1, 2019


March 31, 2021 - March 31, 2026
March 31, 2021 - March 31, 2026
    uniE608 Short movie
    One of my roleplay as a traumatic young mom video explainervideo advert animator filmdirector videoeditor