
I'm a guitarist and music producer that specializes in multiple genres including Metal, Hip-Hop, and Alternative. I strive to find the perfect balance of expression and virtuosity in my music. I help musicians with bringing out


I'm a guitarist and music producer that specializes in multiple genres including Metal, Hip-Hop, and Alternative. I strive to find the perfect balance of expression and virtuosity in my music. I help musicians with bringing out the best in them to help serve the vision of the music they want to create and produce.

Available to hire

I’m a guitarist and music producer that specializes in multiple genres including Metal, Hip-Hop, and Alternative.

I strive to find the perfect balance of expression and virtuosity in my music. I help musicians with bringing out the best in them to help serve the vision of the music they want to create and produce.

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Experience Level

Ableton Live
Pro Tools




Associates In Performance at Music and Institute
May 3, 2024 - May 3, 2024


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    uniE603 Mina At Midnight By Video Dead
    Acoustic/Folk Style song that I produced and recorded with my band Video Dead