
In the culminating year of my Computer Science journey, I am an ardent enthusiast specializing in Web Development, AI, Mobile Development. With a voracious appetite for knowledge, I delve into the intricacies of each


In the culminating year of my Computer Science journey, I am an ardent enthusiast specializing in Web Development, AI, Mobile Development. With a voracious appetite for knowledge, I delve into the intricacies of each discipline, weaving a rich tapestry of skills. This multidimensional approach not only reflects my passion for cutting-edge technologies but also positions me as a dynamic individual poised to navigate and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of the digital era. Moreover, I'm here as a

Available to hire

In the culminating year of my Computer Science journey, I am an ardent enthusiast specializing in Web Development, AI, Mobile Development. With a voracious appetite for knowledge, I delve into the intricacies of each discipline, weaving a rich tapestry of skills. This multidimensional approach not only reflects my passion for cutting-edge technologies but also positions me as a dynamic individual poised to navigate and contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of the
digital era.

Moreover, I’m here as a developer who will aid you in your journey of developing quality softwares.

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Experience Level

Freelance Gig
React JS
Web Design




Bachelor's in Software Engineering at FAST NUCES Lahore, Pakisatan
September 21, 2021 - June 30, 2025


Javascript Developer
April 1, 2024 - June 27, 2024
Python Developer
January 1, 2023 - January 30, 2023
MERN Stack Developer
December 1, 2023 - January 15, 2024
Swift Ui Developer
February 1, 2023 - January 1, 2023
React Native Developer
July 22, 2024 - September 22, 2024

Industry Experience

Computers & Electronics
    uniE613 Hate Speech Analyzer
    This project was developed for a teacher in a university. This project basically analyzes the text you have entered in the GUI text area, and then by using the trained model it returns whether or not the entered text is hate speech or not. This project uses the famous machine learning model known as "Logistic Regression". The backend of this project is built in python while for the graphical user interface, "TKinter" library is used.
    uniE613 Bankist
    This project encompasses an approach of digital banking website that allows user to receive, transfer amounts to other people accounts. Moreover, this website also allows people to open their digital bank account without any lengthy procedures.
    uniE613 Forkify
    This is online-recipe finding project which uses " online API to: 1)GET All Recipes. 2)Upload(POST) a recipe. 3)GET a certain recipe using a search keyword The project is built in the following technologies: ->HTML5 ->CSS ->Javascript ->Parcel The user can simply search recipes, upload new recipes and bookmark a certain recipe.
    uniE613 Natours Website
    I was tasked to develop a tourist websites where users can browse tours and buy them. Moreover, users can also sign up if they are new to the website or they can login if they already have an account. The project was built on MERN stack with proper authentication using JSON web tokens. Moreover, the payment method that was integrated in the website was "Stripe" and "Google Play". The database that was used to store users details, tour details in this project was the famous "MongoDB". The front-end of this project was built in "PUG Templates". RESTFUL API is used to fetch all the data.