
I'm a freelancer who specializes in transcription article writing, content writing proofreading and data entry. I have skills and experience in the above mentioned areas and I am devoted to work. I produce quality output when


I'm a freelancer who specializes in transcription article writing, content writing proofreading and data entry. I have skills and experience in the above mentioned areas and I am devoted to work. I produce quality output when given opportunity to tasks. My work rates are not fixed, we can still negotiate and still produce quality output. I have worked with upwork and Kenya writers where I got experience in my work.

Available to hire

I’m a freelancer who specializes in transcription
article writing, content writing proofreading and data entry.

I have skills and experience in the above mentioned areas and I am devoted to work. I produce quality output when given opportunity to tasks.
My work rates are not fixed, we can still negotiate and still produce quality output.

I have worked with upwork and Kenya writers where I got experience in my work.

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    uniE613 Research work
    An academic writing research work.