
Nick Blanchette's passion for filmmaking ignited in 1987 when his father brought home a Sylvania VHS Camcorder, sparking a lifelong journey of storytelling through film. With over 20 years of experience as a


Nick Blanchette's passion for filmmaking ignited in 1987 when his father brought home a Sylvania VHS Camcorder, sparking a lifelong journey of storytelling through film. With over 20 years of experience as a videographer and editor, Nick's diverse portfolio includes music videos, commercials, documentaries, and live events, showcasing his talent for crafting compelling narratives and captivating visuals. Whether working solo on large-scale projects or collaborating within a team, Nick's meticulous editing and

Available to hire

Nick Blanchette’s passion for filmmaking ignited in 1987 when his father brought home a Sylvania VHS Camcorder, sparking a lifelong journey of storytelling through film. With over 20 years of experience as a videographer and editor, Nick’s diverse portfolio includes music videos, commercials, documentaries, and live events, showcasing his talent for crafting compelling narratives and captivating visuals. Whether working solo on large-scale projects or collaborating within a team, Nick’s meticulous editing and innovative storytelling techniques consistently deliver exceptional results. Armed with technical expertise, a strong work ethic, and a commitment to pushing creative boundaries, Nick is poised to make a significant impact in any filmmaking endeavor. Contact him at_Phone details not available. Sign in: or Email not available. Sign in: to explore collaboration opportunities and experience firsthand his ability to bring stories to life through the lens of his camera.

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AI Collection (Audio)
AI Collection (Video)
Freelance Gig


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    uniE608 Nick's Videography and Editing Sizzle Reel 2023
    Here is my sizzle/demo reel, where I've artfully woven together key moments from my experiences. From capturing the essence of Coolidge Corner Theatre, Rev Brand Cannabis, Papi Cannabis, Goethe Institut, and The Real School of Music, to transitioning seamlessly between handheld intimacy

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