
Hello, My name is Shaddiq, iam graphic designer from Aceh, Indonesia. With 5 years of experience in graphic design, I have collaborated with clients across various industries with diverse backgrounds, building my versatility and


Hello, My name is Shaddiq, iam graphic designer from Aceh, Indonesia. With 5 years of experience in graphic design, I have collaborated with clients across various industries with diverse backgrounds, building my versatility and adaptability in developing ideas and designs. This experience has trained me to create engaging designs that effectively communicate clients' messages, especially for **Social Media Campaign**. Currently, I am also interested in exploring **UI/ UX design**, and I'm excited about

Available to hire

My name is Shaddiq, iam graphic designer from Aceh, Indonesia.

With 5 years of experience in graphic design, I have collaborated with clients across various industries with diverse backgrounds, building my versatility and adaptability in developing ideas and designs. This experience has trained me to create engaging designs that effectively communicate clients’ messages, especially for Social Media Campaign. Currently, I am also interested in exploring UI/ UX design, and I’m excited about the prospect of actively applying these skills.
Design, to me, is not just ordinary work—it’s a hobby.

Employment & Project Experience

Social Media Specialist in The Leader.
Freelance | June 2018-Now
The Leader is a youth non-government organization with the aim of creating positive change through Youth from the community level to the global level. Our concerns and focus are primarily on youth empowerment, peace and conflict resolution, education, youth participation and development, health, environment, disaster preparedness, and entrepreneurship.
My Jobdesk to develop and make creative design content on social media

Graphic Designer in World in Health Organization.
Freelance | August 2023 - September 2023
WHO 75th anniversary celebration which was held at the Aceh Tsunami Museum, they make a multimedia exhibition, walk the talk, talk show and others event.
My Jobdesk for develop & design needs such as banners, Instagram content, information boards & several other needs.

Graphic Designer in UNICEF.
Freelance | Mey 2023
UNICEF Program ​​called Immune Booster Lab which aims to educate youth and the government sector about the importance of polio and COVID-19 vaccines in schools and health centers.
My Jobdesk to Branding the program, such a logo, instagram content, banner & others requirement.

Graphic Designer in ICAIOS.
Contract | September 2021 - January 2022
Colaboration program both International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) and The Leader with name Aceh Art Peace Camp. The aims of this program to diversity and tolerance campaign program through a series of interesting activities involving art as a medium.
My Jobdesk to branding the program, such logo, instagram content, banner, ticket, merchandise and others requirement.

Graphic Designer in Indika Foundation.
Contract | October 2019 - Desember 2019
Colaboration program both The Leader and Indika Foundation with name Youth Lead. The Aim for improving capacity of youth to learn about the values ​​of peace, skills for transforming conflict for social change, character building and strategies for realizing future dreams.
My Jobdesk to branding the program, such logo, instagram content, banner, merchandise and others requirement.

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Social Media Design
Adobe Illustrator

Experience Level

Social Media Design
Adobe Illustrator




Bachelor of Education at Ar-Raniry Islamic University
September 19, 2016 - July 19, 2021
During 5 years on my study, I took a specialization in Software Engineering with Final Thesis “Design Of Aceh Language Learning Android Based Application For PAUD Teachers Using User Centered Design (UCD) Method”.


Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Non-Profit Organization, Healthcare, Education
    uniE621 Festival Kota Santri Subulussalam
    Festival Kota Santri Subulussalam is ramadhan event from Subulussalam Aceh, who make by local government. This event focus on islamic contest and exhibition. They want the Event Branding with Orange as Primary Color and with islamic style. My Job desk is for make they Social Media Design
    uniE621 Immune Booster Lab
    This is a collaboration program both UNICEF & The Leader for educate youth and the government sector about the importance of polio vaccines in schools and public health centers. My Jobdesk on this project is to make branding program, start with social media campaign, hard design for printout
    uniE621 Aceh Art Peace Camp | ICAIOS
    Colaboration program both International Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS) and The Leader with name Aceh Art Peace Camp. The aims of this program to diversity and tolerance campaign program through a series of interesting activities involving art as a medium. My Jobdesk to
    uniE621 Aku Berani Cerita
    Aku Berani Cerita is a program of The Leader for youth with diverse backgrounds to learn about writing. With aim to bring they stories to a part of a book. ​​ BRIEF : On this project, client want design for social media, book cover, book layout & some printing design. They want red color for primary and
    uniE621 Youth Lead
    for design result click the link :
    uniE621 Jelajah Toleransi
    Jelajah Toleransi in programme for youth in tanah karo to learn about diversity. for design detail and result :

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