My name is Ted. I am a freelancer who is proficient in copywriting as well as testing applications after release. I am proficient in data entry and got strong skills in both Microsoft word and Excel. Though my professional background is in horticulture and I have been able to improve the germination percentage of indigenous tree species from 27% to 425 ,I have grown to love freelance work as it has broadened my scope of education and exposed me more to the world. I have passion in learning new skills and challenges and I am a beginner at data bricks and python. I have grown to love working with AI and believe that with time I can be great at it.


My name is Ted. I am a freelancer who is proficient in copywriting as well as testing applications after release. I am proficient in data entry and got strong skills in both Microsoft word and Excel. Though my professional background is in horticulture and I have been able to improve the germination percentage of indigenous tree species from 27% to 425 ,I have grown to love freelance work as it has broadened my scope of education and exposed me more to the world. I have passion in learning new skills and challenges and I am a beginner at data bricks and python. I have grown to love working with AI and believe that with time I can be great at it.

Available to hire

My name is Ted. I am a freelancer who is proficient in copywriting as well as testing applications after release. I am proficient in data entry and got strong skills in both Microsoft word and Excel.
Though my professional background is in horticulture and I have been able to improve the germination percentage of indigenous tree species from 27% to 425 ,I have grown to love freelance work as it has broadened my scope of education and exposed me more to the world.
I have passion in learning new skills and challenges and I am a beginner at data bricks and python. I have grown to love working with AI and believe that with time I can be great at it.

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Experience Level

Microsoft Powerpoint
Freelance Gig




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Industry Experience

Agriculture & Mining, Life Sciences, Non-Profit Organization


Experience Level

Microsoft Powerpoint
Freelance Gig