TK: UI for game, Concept artist, Book illustration, Illustrator, 2d Artist
My name is Thitimon Witoonthammasatr. I graduated from Mahidol University International collage in Bangkok, my major is Animation production. After I graduated, I got the Job from Animation storyboard. My role there is designer and assistant director who have to communicate with clients about the storyboard for advertisement. I have to design mood and tone, background and character for the project and send it to the in-house team to working on it. After that with my passion on digital painting and gaming, I turn to 2D game artist for UniFive studios and SmartBIts game. The role is have done is to design character, game interface, game item, game localization and also designing game effect for team. Then I start to be scholarship student for my master’s degree in Shanghai, China.
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