
I'm a musician who specializes in singing and songwriting for R&B and soul along side Ariana grande type beats I’m from Wolverhampton and currently attending BOA academy and have got experience from Beatsabar studios. I


I'm a musician who specializes in singing and songwriting for R&B and soul along side Ariana grande type beats I’m from Wolverhampton and currently attending BOA academy and have got experience from Beatsabar studios. I started writing my music in 2022 and upload my music on YouTube @officialTrevaneè and they have been played in Atlanta and NYC and got promoted in London. My TikTok is @therealtrevanee you can check out my music and vlogs and my time in the studio. I would like a beat to

Available to hire

I’m a musician who specializes in singing and songwriting for R&B and soul along side Ariana grande type beats
I’m from Wolverhampton and currently attending BOA academy and have got experience from Beatsabar studios.
I started writing my music in 2022 and upload my music on YouTube @officialTrevaneè and they have been played in Atlanta and NYC and got promoted in London.
My TikTok is @therealtrevanee you can check out my music and vlogs and my time in the studio. I would like a beat to be given to me so we have something to work with so we can find a melody Thankyou!

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    uniE608 Performance of my own song
    This is one of my performances of my own songs “boy like me” you can check out more on my YouTube channel and subscribe @officialTrevaneè video

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