Available to hire
I’m a freelancer and as a beginner voiceover artist, I offer clear enunciation, adaptability to different tones and styles, and a keen attention to detail. My ability to follow direction and deliver engaging, expressive performances makes me a reliable choice for a variety of projects.
—differentiates you from other freelancers. This is the first thing clients will see. They are often interested in sector experience and knowledge, so please mention it.
Employment anroject experience
Senior Designer Acme Co.
January 2017 - March 2017
UX Designer Microsoft Inc.
January 2019 - March 2019
Bachular of commerce at Delhi University
June 1, 1973 - March 31, 1976Diploma in business Management at YMCA
June 1, 1982 - March 31, 1983Marketing and sales management at YMCA
June 1, 1983 - March 31, 1984Qualifications
Industry Experience
Financial Services, Consumer Goods, Gaming, Manufacturing
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