
My name is Yessica Hurtado, i am a Video creator and producer with more than 15 years of experience in the audiovisual field, where I have developed my passion for telling stories with images and sounds. My mission is to

Yessica Hurtado


My name is Yessica Hurtado, i am a Video creator and producer with more than 15 years of experience in the audiovisual field, where I have developed my passion for telling stories with images and sounds. My mission is to create quality, innovative and ethical audiovisual productions that convey the message and values of the brands I work with. My field of specialization is documentary filmmaking, which I studied at the ECIB Escola de cine Barcelona, where I learned to capture reality with a critical

Available to hire

My name is Yessica Hurtado, i am a Video creator and producer with more than 15 years of experience in the audiovisual field, where I have developed my passion for telling stories with images and sounds. My mission is to create quality, innovative and ethical audiovisual productions that convey the message and values of the brands I work with. My field of specialization is documentary filmmaking, which I studied at the ECIB Escola de cine Barcelona, where I learned to capture reality with a critical and sensitive eye.

Some of my work can be seen in my online portfolio:

Documentary Reel : Website not available. Sign in:

Publicity Reel :
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Currently, I am a freelance Audiovisual Producer offering videography, photography, graphic design and animation services to brands that want to make a difference.

I handle audiovisual production from start to finish, from script conception, planning, shooting, editing, post-production and delivery. I work with professional camera, lighting, sound and editing equipment, and use software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and Audition. In addition, I have experience in music video production, which I did as a freelancer for several artists.

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Experience Level

Adobe Premiere Pro
Corporate Video
Explainer Video
Final Cut Pro X
Music Video
Product Video
Adobe Photoshop


Spanish; Castilian
Catalan; Valencian


Master in Documentary Film at Escuela de cine Barcelona ECIB
October 7, 2019 - January 7, 2020
Bachelor's degree in technology engineering in audiovisual media at Technische Hochschule Deggendorf .Germany.
September 12, 2010 - September 14, 2024


Winner of the 3rd documentary film award of Grenzland filmtage Selb in Germany.
February 10, 2023 - February 10, 2024
Director of the Documentary "Serpent in the West"
Winner of the Audience Award at the Uffs Universal Filmfest Samothaki in Greece.
July 13, 2024 - November 13, 2023
Director of the Documentary "Serpent in the West"
Proposal Award - First Prize at 8th Golden Tree International Documentary Filmfestival, Paris, France.
November 10, 2024 - November 10, 2024
Award for the film Proposal "The Naked Truth"

Industry Experience

Education, Healthcare, Media & Entertainment, Non-Profit Organization, Real Estate & Construction, Life Sciences, Other
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