Graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Music (Hons.) in Composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM). Composes acoustic and electroacoustic music, morphing instrumental timbres into new soundscapes. My music is characterised by organic development, contrasting different possibilities and subverting expectations of directions within a piece. Every sound triggers a sensory response, engaging one’s imagination and evoking emotions through associations. In a world where much sensory input is tuned-out for the sake of every day functioning, I seek to create sonic experiences to encourage close listening, guiding listeners through crafted, auditory experiences that provide momentary escape. The inspiration for my work comes from delving into experiences, both of my own and of others. I believe that everyone has a story, that these individual stories manifests itself in and shapes the manner in which one interacts with others and ones’ environments. It is this awareness that each person is living a life as vivid and complex as one’s own, and the desire to understand others better, that drives both my creative endeavours, as well as my activities beyond the realm of the Arts. I have worked with various musicians around the world. These range from soloists such as percussionist Max Riefer, saxophonist Andreas Marinello, and bassoonist Christoph Wichert, to ensembles abroad such as the Royal College of Music’s Saxophone Department, Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, Ensemble Chromoson, soloists from Musikfabrik and the Neuevocasolisten Stuttgart, amongst others. I have also participated in a variety of festivals, such as the Manila Composers’ Lab (MCL) 2020, the RED NOTE New Music Festival Composition Workshop 2021, and most recently, the International Young Composers Academy Ticino (IYCA) 2023. In 2021, I was awarded Honourable mention for her piece, ‘Chroma’, as part of Frost School of Music Ensemble Ibis Composition Competition. My piece will be performed at Maerzmusik 2024, Berlin. For CV/resume and other work examples, please contact me directly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Music (Hons.) in Composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM). Composes acoustic and electroacoustic music, morphing instrumental timbres into new soundscapes. My music is characterised by organic development, contrasting different possibilities and subverting expectations of directions within a piece. Every sound triggers a sensory response, engaging one’s imagination and evoking emotions through associations. In a world where much sensory input is tuned-out for the sake of every day functioning, I seek to create sonic experiences to encourage close listening, guiding listeners through crafted, auditory experiences that provide momentary escape. The inspiration for my work comes from delving into experiences, both of my own and of others. I believe that everyone has a story, that these individual stories manifests itself in and shapes the manner in which one interacts with others and ones’ environments. It is this awareness that each person is living a life as vivid and complex as one’s own, and the desire to understand others better, that drives both my creative endeavours, as well as my activities beyond the realm of the Arts. I have worked with various musicians around the world. These range from soloists such as percussionist Max Riefer, saxophonist Andreas Marinello, and bassoonist Christoph Wichert, to ensembles abroad such as the Royal College of Music’s Saxophone Department, Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, Ensemble Chromoson, soloists from Musikfabrik and the Neuevocasolisten Stuttgart, amongst others. I have also participated in a variety of festivals, such as the Manila Composers’ Lab (MCL) 2020, the RED NOTE New Music Festival Composition Workshop 2021, and most recently, the International Young Composers Academy Ticino (IYCA) 2023. In 2021, I was awarded Honourable mention for her piece, ‘Chroma’, as part of Frost School of Music Ensemble Ibis Composition Competition. My piece will be performed at Maerzmusik 2024, Berlin. For CV/resume and other work examples, please contact me directly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Available to hire

Graduated in 2023 with a Bachelor of Music (Hons.) in Composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YSTCM). Composes acoustic and electroacoustic music, morphing instrumental timbres into new soundscapes. My music is characterised by organic development, contrasting different possibilities and subverting expectations of directions within a piece.

Every sound triggers a sensory response, engaging one’s imagination and evoking emotions through associations. In a world where much sensory input is tuned-out for the sake of every day functioning, I seek to create sonic experiences to encourage close listening, guiding listeners through crafted, auditory experiences that provide momentary escape. The inspiration for my work comes from delving into experiences, both of my own and of others. I believe that everyone has a story, that these individual stories manifests itself in and shapes the manner in which one interacts with others and ones’ environments. It is this awareness that each person is living a life as vivid and complex as one’s own, and the desire to understand others better, that drives both my creative endeavours, as well as my activities beyond the realm of the Arts.

I have worked with various musicians around the world. These range from soloists such as percussionist Max Riefer, saxophonist Andreas Marinello, and bassoonist Christoph Wichert, to ensembles abroad such as the Royal College of Music’s Saxophone Department, Left Coast Chamber Ensemble, Ensemble Chromoson, soloists from Musikfabrik and the Neuevocasolisten Stuttgart, amongst others. I have also participated in a variety of festivals, such as the Manila Composers’ Lab (MCL) 2020, the RED NOTE New Music Festival Composition Workshop 2021, and most recently, the International Young Composers Academy Ticino (IYCA) 2023. In 2021, I was awarded Honourable mention for her piece, ‘Chroma’, as part of Frost School of Music Ensemble Ibis Composition Competition. My piece will be performed at Maerzmusik 2024, Berlin.

For CV/resume and other work examples, please contact me directly. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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    uniE603 Chroma
    Piece written for piano quartet, performed by Left Coast Chamber Ensemble.
    uniE603 Universe of Feeling (multisensory show)
    A track written for Universe of Feelings, a multisensory show put up by SuperHero Me in Singapore
    uniE603 All the Light (for Orchestra)
    MIDI rendering of All the Light, written for Orchestra
    uniE603 To drift, float, but never land (for 2 Keyboardists)
    Piece written for 2 toy pianos and electronics (performed live on MIDI keyboard)

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