
Visual Effects Supervisor & Producer with 20 years of experience. Features, Music Videos, Commercials and Mono, Stereo and VR. Unreal Fellowship participant. Reliable and self motivated, team-oriented, used to tight


Visual Effects Supervisor & Producer with 20 years of experience. Features, Music Videos, Commercials and Mono, Stereo and VR. Unreal Fellowship participant. Reliable and self motivated, team-oriented, used to tight deadlines and wowing the client. Budget conscious. Experience in bidding, scheduling and execution of vfx projects: Script Breakdown, Preproduction, onSet Shoot, Post Production to final DCP delivery. I led teams up to 45 Artists in feature film environments and fast paced commercial

Available to hire

Visual Effects Supervisor & Producer with 20 years of experience. Features, Music Videos, Commercials and Mono, Stereo and VR. Unreal Fellowship participant.

Reliable and self motivated, team-oriented, used to tight deadlines and wowing the client. Budget conscious. Experience in bidding, scheduling and execution of vfx projects: Script Breakdown, Preproduction, onSet Shoot, Post Production to final DCP delivery.

I led teams up to 45 Artists in feature film environments and fast paced commercial environments as well as TV episodic. Mentored junior artists and taught compositing classes. Proven technical problem solver and established template and pipeline builder at various Studios based on shotgun and sgTK

49+ features including academy award (Oscar) winners and nominees such as the Golden Compass, Pirates of the Carribean 2&3, Alice in Wonderland, The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and x-men:First Class"​.
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3D Animation
3D Model
Autodesk Maya



Master of Arts at German film school for digital production
January 1, 2001 - April 30, 2004


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3D Animation
3D Model
Autodesk Maya

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