I’m a freelancer living in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) who specializes in voice acting and voice overs. I have an excellent exceptional voice (basso profondo).
Also I am proficient in text-editing.
My personal profile: Attaches importance to quality. Takes responsibilities easily. Likes to solve problems in an original way. Likes to work together. Is reliable. Has a broad interest pattern. Shows a high level of thinking and working, both verbally and non-verbally. See my profile on Linkedin: Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup .
I have forty years experience in teaching Politics and Economics in Colleges and High Schools. I have been acting and singing in theater and opera. I have taught singing as well.
Recently I did a successful recording job for an AI-natural language project (december 2024).
Recently (september 2024) I published a detailed summery (translating in Dutch, wich I also translated in Spanish) of the excellent book “The Web of Meaning” by Jeremy Lent: Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup .
Experience Level
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