10 Useful Time Management Strategies for Freelance Designers

The freedom of a flexible schedule lures people into freelancing. But before long, they find themselves feeling burnt out, juggling multiple projects, clients, and deadlines. The key to avoiding burnout and managing work efficiently lies in time management strategies. Excellent time management strategies are necessary for freelance designers to maintain productivity and ensure timely deliveries. Not only does it help freelancers meet deadlines but also promotes work-life balance and boosts creativity. In this article, we look into 10 useful time management strategies for freelance designers to maximise productivity and success in their creative projects.

10 important time management strategies for designers to stay productive 

1. Plan and prioritise by creating a to-do-list 

Starting your day with a list of things to do can set the tone for a productive workday. Jot down all the tasks you need to tackle, whether they involve designing, client communication, or administrative work. Now, prioritise the tasks based on urgency and importance. Having a clear guide on the things you need to complete in a day helps you navigate the day with purpose and avoid the common pitfall of feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work.

2. Set realistic goals 

Freelance designers often juggle various projects simultaneously, each with its unique demands. Setting realistic goals for each project and allocating adequate time for them can prevent you from spreading yourself too thin. Break down larger projects into manageable phases, complete with deadlines. This approach not only prevents burnout but also instills a sense of achievement as you complete each milestone.

3. Use time-blocking techniques 

The concept of time blocking is a time management strategy that involves dedicating specific time slots to particular tasks. For instance, you could allocate a two-hour block for designing, followed by a one-hour block for client communication. This technique promotes deep focus and minimises the temptation to multitask. It allows you to channel your energy into one task at a time, exponentially increasing your productivity. Experiment with different time block durations to find what works best for your workflow.

4. Bookmark references from creative platforms 

Design inspiration can strike unexpectedly, often when you are browsing creative platforms like Behance, Dribbble, Explore or social media. When you stumble on anything that catches your attention, be sure to bookmark or save them. Organize these references systematically for easy retrieval whenever you need some references. By having inspiration at your fingertips, you can jumpstart your creativity without wasting time searching for hours and making the most of your work time. 

5. Minimise distractions 

Creating a conducive work environment is vital for maximizing your productivity. Designate a dedicated workspace free from distractions, and communicate your work hours to those around you. Silence non-essential notifications during your focused work periods to maintain concentration. Minimising distractions is a spotlight in time management strategies because it enables you to immerse yourself fully in your design projects and produce high-quality work efficiently.

6. Decompose the project 

Complex design projects can feel daunting, leading to procrastination and decreased productivity. Combat this by breaking down each project into smaller, actionable tasks. Begin with an outline of the project’s major components, and then tackle each component of the design process steps one at a time. This systematic approach not only makes the project feel more manageable but also provides a clear sense of progression as you check off completed tasks.

7. Make use of productivity tools 

In the digital age, an array of productivity tools and software is available to streamline your freelance design workflow. Project management platforms like Trello or Asana help you track project progress, while design collaboration tools like Figma facilitate seamless teamwork with clients. Time-tracking apps like Toggl are particularly helpful for monitoring your work hours and optimizing your time allocation, especially when handling design-intensive projects, such as those involving intricate dashboard design. Experiment with different tools to find the ones that align with your work style.

8. Group similar projects together 

Freelance designers often handle projects with common themes or design elements. Capitalise on this by grouping similar projects together in your schedule. When you’re immersed in a specific design style or aesthetic, transitioning between projects becomes smoother. Such time management strategies leverage your creative momentum, enabling you to complete tasks faster and produce cohesive designs.

9. Ensure regular breaks 

The freelance lifestyle can sometimes lead to excessive work hours without breaks. However, neglecting breaks can hamper your creativity and overall well-being. Incorporate short, rejuvenating breaks into your day. Step away from your workspace, stretch, and recharge. These breaks not only enhance your focus and creativity but also contribute to your long-term productivity and mental health.

10. Embrace Pomodoro technique 

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves working in focused intervals (usually 25 minutes) followed by short breaks. This technique capitalizes on the brain’s natural ability to concentrate intensely for brief periods.

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 During a Pomodoro session, commit yourself fully to the task at hand. When the timer rings, take a short break to recharge before switching to the next session. This approach prevents burnout, combats fatigue, and optimises your work output.

Time management is key

Following time management strategies is the key to success as a freelance designer. By implementing these ten strategies, you can take control of your schedule, enhance productivity, and deliver outstanding work to your clients consistently. Remember, successful time management is not about squeezing in as many tasks as possible but rather about finding a balance that allows you to produce your best work while still maintaining your well-being. 


Aparna is a content writer at Aufait UX, a design agency in India. She is fascinated by the user-centric approach to digital product design. In addition to her passion for UI UX, she leverages her writing expertise to highlight design-related topics.