No matter what stage you are in your freelance journey, whether entry-level or expert, a few expert design tips are always welcome – right?
Let’s paint the scene: nothing sucks more than when you lose out on valuable freelance design work. Especially when you thought you were the perfect fit.
Even if you have the best-looking portfolio, you may still be overlooked if another designer offers the client more value.
“Value?” We hear you ask, “how do I offer a client value?”
Well, we often think of it as the ROI of a particular project, but you should also consider your value as an individual designer. You need to consider how you can communicate your creative talent (which is hard to measure) and shine a light on your value.
What potential can you offer a company or a singular client? Why should they go for you and not somebody else?
If you don’t already have this all figured out – don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve brought together eight expert design tips to make sure you stand out from the crowd.
1. Be more results-driven
Designers can bring a lot more to the table than .sketch and .PSD files. Share on X“As a designer, we can bring a lot more to the table than .sketch and .PSD files. Become more results-driven by understanding the problems you’re solving. Also, grasp an understanding of analytics (A great book is Lean Analytics), so you can start to support your design decision with cold hard facts over gut feelings.”
– “Design is not the most valuable skill for designers” – Michael Wong, Mizko Design
2. Explain your thought process
The most important asset a designer can have is his or her thought process. Share on X“High-level clients – the kind you want to go after as a high-demand designer – are far more interested in what you were thinking about when you created the work in your portfolio, rather than just the visuals.
Before you meet with a high-level client, it’s helpful to arrange your portfolio so that it tells a story. When you do present your portfolio to a potential client, don’t just show a bunch of pretty pictures, explain the thought that went into your decision-making process.”
– “How To Become A High-Demand Designer (And Get The Good Clients)” – Addison Duvall, Author

3. Strong communication skills are essential
Your resume should substantiate the entire spectrum of your communication skills. Share on X“Communication is a top skill valued in nearly every profession, but it becomes especially important in the design industry. Communicating in relation to design deliverables is paramount, as are verbal and written presentation skills. Your resume should substantiate the entire spectrum of your communication skills.”
– “The 10 Most Valuable Skills To Put On Your Design Resume” – Creative Market
4. Show how your designs solved problems…
A portfolio should reveal problems previous clients had and how a design decision solved them. Share on X“A portfolio should reveal problems previous clients and employers had and how a design decision solved them. When examining their work, you should be asking yourself, “does this portfolio show improvement and growth over time, and how did these designs solve specific problems?”
When hiring a designer, remember too that you are not just hiring for a skillset. A designer needs to be an excellent communicator with everyone on the team. They need to understand the business and its aims, the developers and their constraints, and the users and their goals. This requires excellent communication skills between different types of people and a thorough understanding of a business as a whole.”
– “The Guide to Hiring the Best Designer for Your Team” – James Richman, Content Marketing and Publishing
5. But go beyond problems too
8 Valuable Expert Design Tips to Secure You More Work Share on X“Using problems as a lens for design is convenient because there isn’t a common understanding of what design is. We all talk about it in different ways. Sometimes it’s the challenge of creating that perfect radius or one-piece unibody for a new mobile device. Sometimes it’s a new layout for a newspaper. Sometimes it’s a new shoe. Sometimes it’s an old object that entirely describes an old culture. For me it’s just a way of interrogating relationships and acting upon them with an agenda.”
– “Why Design is Not Problem Solving + Design Thinking Isn’t Always the Answer” – Rob Peart, AIGA Eye on Design
6. Balance desirability, feasibility, and viability
The best outcome lies at the intersection of desirability, feasibility, and viability. Share on X“In almost all cases, “perfection” does not define success—rather, the best outcome lies at the intersection of desirability, feasibility, and viability… When we balance desirability, feasibility, and viability, we increase the value of our design solutions—but how do we know whether these requirements have been met or not?”
– “The value of balancing desirability, feasibility, and viability” – Crowd Favorite

7. Make design choices that communicate value
My job as a designer is to help communicate my clients’ message to their visitors Share on X“According to researchers at the University of Michigan, more complicated typography styles tend to make the reader feel like what is being written is more requires more skill and effort.
Why, as a web designer, would I even be concerned about this? Because my job as a designer is to help communicate my client’s messages to their website visitors, ultimately resulting in some sort of profitable action–signing up for a newsletter, buying a product, or requesting more information.
So, if I want the visitor to feel like a product or service is complicated (and therefore more valuable), I want to portray that through the design–specifically the typography. The opposite is also true. If we want to portray that something is easy, we want to use a very simple font style that is easy to read.”
– “The Secret to Making Something Seem More Valuable” – Kama Wilson, Founder at Peppermint
8. Quality over quantity
Your portfolio should only be for your best work. Share on XA huge mistake that many new designers make is trying to incorporate every decent project that they’ve ever done into their portfolio. Your portfolio should only be for your best work. If you mix mediocre work with your best, employers won’t know what to expect from you. Get a professional to help you identify your top work, and resist the temptation to add anything else – it will only water down your final effort.
– “Create a valuable graphic design portfolio” – International Academy of Design & Technology, Seattle
And there you have it – eight valuable expert design tips that can help skyrocket your freelance design journey. Need a little more guidance? Check out our archive of freelancing tips, for all your career needs.
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