The Best Vehicle Detection Datasets of 2022

Vehicle detection is a highly sought-after topic for training machine learning models. That being said, it’s not always easy to find vehicle detection datasets to train your models. 

That’s why we’ve done the hard bit for you. We’ve searched high and low here at Twine to find the best vehicle detection datasets.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in.

Here are our top picks for Vehicle Detection Datasets:

KITTI Benchmark Dataset

The KITTI benchmark dataset contains images of highway scenes and ordinary road scenes used for automatic vehicle driving and can solve problems such as 3D object detection and tracking. From the image acquisition point of view, the traffic image dataset can be divided into three categories: images taken by the car camera, images taken by the surveillance camera, and images taken by non-monitoring cameras.

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Tsinghua-Tencent Traffic-Sign Dataset

The Tsinghua-Tencent Traffic-Sign Dataset has 100,000 images from car cameras covering various lighting conditions and weather conditions, although no vehicles are marked. Vehicles are in both motion and static positions. 

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Stanford Car Dataset 

The Stanford Car Dataset is a vehicle dataset taken by non-monitoring cameras with a bright vehicle appearance. This dataset includes 19,618 categories of vehicles covering the brands, models, and production years of the vehicles.

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The Traffic and Congestions (TRANCOS) dataset contains pictures of vehicles on highways captured by surveillance cameras and contains a total of 1,244 images. Most images feature occlusion. This is a smaller dataset – no vehicle type is provided. Exclusively traffic scenes.

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Wrapping up

To conclude, here are top picks for the best vehicle detection datasets for your projects:

  1. KITTI Benchmark Dataset
  2. Tsinghua-Tencent Traffic-Sign Dataset
  3. Stanford Car Dataset
  4. TRANCOS Dataset

We hope that this list has helped you find a dataset for your project or, realize the myriad options available. 

Please let us know if there are any datasets you would like us to add to the list.

If you want to learn more about how we could help build a custom dataset for your project, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Let us help you do the math – check our AI dataset project calculator.

Ready to learn more? Check out our Dataset Archives:

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