
I am a filmmaker, content creator, and voice over artist with experience in livestream operations and a theater background. With an undergrade degree in radio/television and film, I work hard to push myself to create a variety


I am a filmmaker, content creator, and voice over artist with experience in livestream operations and a theater background. With an undergrade degree in radio/television and film, I work hard to push myself to create a variety of high quality content. What I don't know, I make up for it by my ability to learn and improvise. Along with editing and videography, my strong suite is my ability to communicate with my fellow peers. I am a person with inhumane integrity and eve-growing abilities for the arts.

Available to hire

I am a filmmaker, content creator, and voice over artist with experience in livestream operations and a theater background. With an undergrade degree in radio/television and film, I work hard to push myself to create a variety of high quality content. What I don’t know, I make up for it by my ability to learn and improvise. Along with editing and videography, my strong suite is my ability to communicate with my fellow peers. I am a person with inhumane integrity and eve-growing abilities for the arts.

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RADIO/TELIVISION/FILM at Austin Community College
September 28, 2017 - June 28, 2020


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Industry Experience

Retail, Media & Entertainment