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Web Developer
Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Figma
Hey there! I'm Rob - a designer with experience in designing websites, brands and content. I co-run a branding agency called Quirk. Studio and I have 2 years experienc...


Web Developer
.NET, 2D Animation, 3D Animation
.NET, 2D Animation, 3D Animation
Name: CAE Business Solutions Service Offerings: Business Development, Business Design, Business Promotion Team Expertise: Graphics and Design, Website Design, Digital M...
Nathan Gaw


Web Developer
I'm a website designer/developer specialising in React-based websites/apps (including NextJS/Gatsby) and custom WordPress theme development. My career began in marketi...
Tim Lord


Web Developer
I have worked in many varying roles over the last 16 years, starting off as a designer, musician and creative. I have travelled and worked, gaining knowledge along the wa...
Hamza Abdalmajeed


Web Developer
A motivated and enthusiastic senior software engineer and a law graduate, currently with five years of professional experience under my belt. I hold excellent time man...
Istvan Lovas


Web Developer
Enthusiastic freelance Full Stack Web Developer experienced in both front end & back end development using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Laravel, VueJS, and many more. I am...
Syed Mahbub


Web Developer
Web Design, Webflow, HTML5
Web Design, Webflow, HTML5
Self -motivated web designer with 5+ years of experience. Eager to Join Web House or design agency to bring top class frontend development, UX and visual design skills. ...
Muramoto Hideyoshi


Web Developer
Django, Python, Github
Django, Python, Github
**https://www.linkedin.com/in/muramoto-hideyoshi-203891261/** I am a experienced Python/React Full-Stack Engineer with over 8 years of hands-on expertise in developing r...
Chris Mackie


Web Developer
AWS, Github, Google Cloud
AWS, Github, Google Cloud
Full-stack software engineer specialising in web applications utilising PHP/Laravel/Vuejs


Web Developer
Webflow, Web Design, Branding
Webflow, Web Design, Branding
Inspired by culture, excited by creation and driven for change. Founder of Sásta Studios - EMPOWERING CHANGE WITH CREATIVE SOLUTIONS. Impactful web design for purpose...


Web Developer
I’m a mobile application developer specializing in cross-platform and native development, with expertise in React Native, Flutter, Swift, and Kotlin. My focus is on creat...
Tom Eagle


Web Developer
Experienced Frontend Developer | Bakewell, Derbyshire I am a highly skilled Frontend Developer with over 8 years of experience building robust and user-friendly web ap...

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How To Hire A Web Developer in United Kingdom

To get started with hiring a web developer, choose which kind of developer you need for your project:

For example:

  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Programmer

Once you've done this, it's time to write up your job brief and start the hiring process in earnest:

Finding A Freelance Developer On Twine:

Finding the perfect web developer has never been easier:

Twine takes care of the hard work for you by matching you to freelance developers using over ten different criteria.

We also manually vet your project pitches, meaning you won't have to sift through dozens of ill-fitted freelancers to find the perfect match.

Here's a quick overview of how to hire a web developer on Twine:

  1. Post up your brief on our jobs board
  2. Wait for freelance developers to pitch on your job
  3. Review your vetted pitches and choose a creative
  4. Agree your terms
  5. Get to work!

Writing a successful job brief:


60% of freelancers abandon a job pitch midway through if it's too lengthy or complex

Even though your pitches will be manually vetted by us, it's still really important to make sure your brief is clear, concise and well-formatted.

This will allow freelance developers to quickly determine if they're a good match for the work and pitch according to your requirements.

Here's our recommended structure for writing up your brief:

  • Who you are
  • What you need
  • Your location
  • The size & scope of your project
  • References of work you like
  • Target audience
  • Budget
  • Deadline

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Web Developer in United Kingdom?

As you most-likely know, the price of a web developer can vary significantly depending on the nature of your project in United Kingdom.

For example:

If you're looking to hire a PHP programmer to help you create a large-scale freelancing platform (which we hope you aren't)...

...it'll cost significantly more than hiring a junior front-end developer to create a simple small business website.

So, how much does a web developer cost on Twine?

Using the data from our network of freelance web developers, here's the average hourly rate for a web developer on Twine:

Designer LevelJuniorMid-LevelExpert
Hourly Rate$25-40$40-60$60-125

Here are the same rates in GBP:

Designer LevelJuniorMid-LevelExpert
Hourly Rate£20-30£30-45£45-£100

For a more specific understanding of a web developer's hourly rate, we'd highly recommend reviewing the current projects on our jobs board .

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between a web designer and a web developer in United Kingdom?

Great question!

In short, a web designer is the architect of your online space, while the web developer is the construction worker.

The web designer will design the aesthetic and layout of your website, using programs such as Photoshop to design and structure a well-branded asset for your business.

A web developer will then take the design and actually build the website, writing code and using content management systems to make sure the website is fully-functional.

If you happen to be looking for a web designer rather than a developer, you can hire one by clicking here.

How can a web developer benefit my business?

Here's the deal:

88% of consumers will never return to a website after a poor user experience.

And do you know something else?

70% of users have abandoned their online shopping carts due to a poor user experience.

If you want to make the most of your hard-earned sales leads...

...it's imperative to have a fully-functioning website to prevent them from slipping through the cracks at the last hurdle.

The average freelance web developer will have hundreds (or sometimes thousands) of high-converting web development projects under their belt, leading to a far stronger ROI than a DIY effort.

Still not convinced?

Here are three further advantages of hiring a freelance website developer:

  • It's highly-customizable: DIY web building platforms lock you into stale-looking design templates with limited customization. Hiring a knowledgeable web developer allows you to gain full creative control over your website.
  • It's good for SEO: Search engines take various technical aspects of a website into account when ranking your website, such as site speed and link structure. A web developer will take these metrics into account when designing your website, allowing you to dominate the search engines.
  • It saves time: Unless you have prior web development experience, building & optimizing a website can take a significant amount of time. By hiring a web developer to build a reliable and high-converting website, you free yourself up to focus on running your business.

What are you waiting for?

Post a job on Twine now and hire developers in a matter of hours.