I am a singer-songwriter who has released two studio albums with V2 Records, two studio EPs with Polymoon Records, and one studio album that I self-released. I have toured the Netherlands with my project, and have also toured extensively as a bass player. I have toured nationally with Windser, Jack Symes, Renni Conti, Temme Scott, and Steven Van Betten. I also record and produce out of my home studio remotely. I am an avid song writer, and I am always happy to collaborate. I run ProTools on my desktop and know that DAW the best, but am open to gaining knowledge in other software too.


I am a singer-songwriter who has released two studio albums with V2 Records, two studio EPs with Polymoon Records, and one studio album that I self-released. I have toured the Netherlands with my project, and have also toured extensively as a bass player. I have toured nationally with Windser, Jack Symes, Renni Conti, Temme Scott, and Steven Van Betten. I also record and produce out of my home studio remotely. I am an avid song writer, and I am always happy to collaborate. I run ProTools on my desktop and know that DAW the best, but am open to gaining knowledge in other software too.

Available to hire

I am a singer-songwriter who has released two studio albums with V2 Records, two studio EPs with Polymoon Records, and one studio album that I self-released. I have toured the Netherlands with my project, and have also toured extensively as a bass player. I have toured nationally with Windser, Jack Symes, Renni Conti, Temme Scott, and Steven Van Betten.
I also record and produce out of my home studio remotely. I am an avid song writer, and I am always happy to collaborate. I run ProTools on my desktop and know that DAW the best, but am open to gaining knowledge in other software too.

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Master's of Modern and Contemporary Art History, Theory, and Criticism at Azusa Pacific University
January 1, 2021 - May 24, 2025
Bachelor of Art History at Santa Clara University
July 1, 2014


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