Giordano Maselli is a film scorer and musician from Rome, graduating from Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome (2018, Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors in Classical Composition and Master’s Degree with honors in Movie Soundtrack Composition). Since 2015, he has been active in the Italian film music industry (“Hybris”, “Nessuno Può Volare” and “TuttAPPosto”). Alongside film scoring, Giordano recently wrote and produced his very first music album as a solo artist, called “Start From Scratch” (self-produced and published in October 2020). _Website not available. Sign in:


Giordano Maselli is a film scorer and musician from Rome, graduating from Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome (2018, Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors in Classical Composition and Master’s Degree with honors in Movie Soundtrack Composition). Since 2015, he has been active in the Italian film music industry (“Hybris”, “Nessuno Può Volare” and “TuttAPPosto”). Alongside film scoring, Giordano recently wrote and produced his very first music album as a solo artist, called “Start From Scratch” (self-produced and published in October 2020). _Website not available. Sign in:

Available to hire

Giordano Maselli is a film scorer and musician from Rome, graduating from Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome (2018, Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors in Classical Composition and Master’s Degree with honors in Movie Soundtrack Composition).

Since 2015, he has been active in the Italian film music industry (“Hybris”, “Nessuno Può Volare” and “TuttAPPosto”). Alongside film scoring, Giordano recently wrote and produced his very first music album as a solo artist, called “Start From Scratch” (self-produced and published in October 2020).

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