
A creative eye is a must for every art that is made. Let me help you craft an art that needs to be seen. I have a Bachelor's degree in AB Communication Arts and 7 years experience in photography, videography, motion graphics


A creative eye is a must for every art that is made. Let me help you craft an art that needs to be seen. I have a Bachelor's degree in AB Communication Arts and 7 years experience in photography, videography, motion graphics and video editing. I use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects as my main video editing software. As for photo editing and graphics design, I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom. I've also worked with advertising agencies and production houses that handle notable brands here in the

Available to hire

A creative eye is a must for every art that is made. Let me help you craft an art that needs to be seen.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in AB Communication Arts and 7 years experience in photography, videography, motion graphics and video editing. I use Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects as my main video editing software. As for photo editing and graphics design, I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom.

I’ve also worked with advertising agencies and production houses that handle notable brands here in the Philippines. When it comes to music production for the videos that need to be produced, I also have a pool of composers and voice over artists that I can collaborate with the project.

You could check out my compilation here at:

Rest assured, when it comes to working hours, I am flexible whenever the project needs to be done in order to meet the deadline. Rush projects are my forte!

Every art needs to be crafted with passion. I hope to work with you soon.

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Experience Level

Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment

Experience Level

Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop
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