
Hi There, I'm a music producer from NZ with studio access. I can assist with composition, arrangement, mixing and mastering, as well as songwriting and sourcing of vocalists from my list of contact.

Jonathan Andrew

5.0 (2 reviews)

Hi There, I'm a music producer from NZ with studio access. I can assist with composition, arrangement, mixing and mastering, as well as songwriting and sourcing of vocalists from my list of contact.

Available to hire

Hi There, I’m a music producer from NZ with studio access. I can assist with composition, arrangement, mixing and mastering, as well as songwriting and sourcing of vocalists from my list of contact.


FL Studio
Lead Vocal
Vocal Feature
Theme Tune
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Experience Level

FL Studio
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Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment


Sep 2019
by user279826 Twine

Extra Vocal Engineering Work

Hired on Twine project
Sep 2019
by user279826 Twine

Vocal engineer plus mixer for song

Hired on Twine project
    uniE603 Battle Scars - Broken Reality feat. Tim Moyo
    Hi All, Hope you like my latest track, I took care of production, an online music client provided the initial lyrics and London based singer Tim Moyo helped out again with some amazing vocals as always. audio RB Soul broken reality tim moyo battle scars dance pop rnb soul Edm Electro Top 40
    uniE603 Heroes - Broken Reality (feat. Tim Moyo)
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