I am a skilled and devoted filmmaker and media creator. I thrive in collaborative environments where I can accomplish a goal with like-minded creatives. Whether I am developing my own vision or assisting someone else in bringing their vision to fruition, I prioritize communication, focus, and efficiency. These skills have been tested over the past 5 years in polishing feature-length screenplays with industry professionals, leading teams of crew members during intense film shoots, and likewise in my work as a substitute teacher and research peer facilitator. My professional focus is videography and editing, where I generate unique and gripping stories through media in the Adobe Suite. I am a recent graduate from the University of Michigan - Film, Television, and Media. I look forward to aiding your story in being the best it can be. Thank you, Jonah Sobczak _Phone details not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_ - _Email not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_


I am a skilled and devoted filmmaker and media creator. I thrive in collaborative environments where I can accomplish a goal with like-minded creatives. Whether I am developing my own vision or assisting someone else in bringing their vision to fruition, I prioritize communication, focus, and efficiency. These skills have been tested over the past 5 years in polishing feature-length screenplays with industry professionals, leading teams of crew members during intense film shoots, and likewise in my work as a substitute teacher and research peer facilitator. My professional focus is videography and editing, where I generate unique and gripping stories through media in the Adobe Suite. I am a recent graduate from the University of Michigan - Film, Television, and Media. I look forward to aiding your story in being the best it can be. Thank you, Jonah Sobczak _Phone details not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_ - _Email not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_

Available to hire

I am a skilled and devoted filmmaker and media creator. I thrive in collaborative environments where I can accomplish a goal with like-minded creatives. Whether I am developing my own vision or assisting someone else in bringing their vision to fruition, I prioritize communication, focus, and efficiency. These skills have been tested over the past 5 years in polishing feature-length screenplays with industry professionals, leading teams of crew members during intense film shoots, and likewise in my work as a substitute teacher and research peer facilitator. My professional focus is videography and editing, where I generate unique and gripping stories through media in the Adobe Suite.
I am a recent graduate from the University of Michigan - Film, Television, and Media. I look forward to aiding your story in being the best it can be.
Thank you,
Jonah Sobczak
Phone details not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup - Email not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup

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Short Film
Adobe Premiere Pro
Articulate Storyline
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Experience Level

Short Film
Adobe Premiere Pro
Articulate Storyline
Video Advert
Adobe Photoshop
Freelance Gig
Pitch Deck




Bachelor of Arts at Univesity of Michigan - Ann Arbor
August 20, 2019 - April 14, 2024
Major in Film, Television, and Media Studies; Focus on Production and Screenwriting


Add your qualifications or awards here.

Industry Experience

Media & Entertainment, Education
    uniE613 I Miss and Love You
    Tagline: How to Mourn in the Midwest Synopsis: Two siblings face the dark road of grief and struggle to overcome tensions when they face it in two different ways. Genre/Length: Dramedy/21 min An Indy short film that was originally created as my Thesis Project, for which it received Highest Honors. Now, it is currently in consideration for multiple film festivals, and has already been accepted to the Royal Starr Film Festival. Though it's outlook on the circuit and in distribution is brighter than ever, it serves as a calling card to showcase my naturalistic directing style and my mastery of dramatic conflict in screenwriting. In addition to my other roles, I am also in charge of the film's social media and promotional material. https://youtu.be/-gKO3xIvqxE?si=Bc8NWiu8RhRUmpYk