Good afternoon, Im Stee, a fanatic writer mostly specialized as songwriter or lyricist. Untypical stuff is aviable for discussion as well, feel free to ask. I prefer to work basing on some stats from your head such as images, senses, approximate storytelling, feelings or structures. Thats not about detailed description to each one always, a few words, sentence or an example might be enough. Generally, I want to share my writing experience for others projects, if you feel like that will be a good fit.

ju stee

Good afternoon, Im Stee, a fanatic writer mostly specialized as songwriter or lyricist. Untypical stuff is aviable for discussion as well, feel free to ask. I prefer to work basing on some stats from your head such as images, senses, approximate storytelling, feelings or structures. Thats not about detailed description to each one always, a few words, sentence or an example might be enough. Generally, I want to share my writing experience for others projects, if you feel like that will be a good fit.

Available to hire

Good afternoon, Im Stee, a fanatic writer mostly specialized as songwriter or lyricist. Untypical stuff is aviable for discussion as well, feel free to ask.
I prefer to work basing on some stats from your head such as images, senses, approximate storytelling, feelings or structures. Thats not about detailed description to each one always, a few words, sentence or an example might be enough.
Generally, I want to share my writing experience for others projects, if you feel like that will be a good fit.

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FL Studio

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FL Studio




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