
Hey there, I'm Katie Burke, and I'm a long time singer song writer thousands of songs under my belt, sync, placements, and loads of vanity projects. I love writing heartfelt songs for folks' occasions, as well as putting together hard


Hey there, I'm Katie Burke, and I'm a long time singer song writer thousands of songs under my belt, sync, placements, and loads of vanity projects. I love writing heartfelt songs for folks' occasions, as well as putting together hard hitting to the point jingles sure to give you a case of the catchy ear worm-itis! You can check out my work on _Website not available. Sign in: OR on Fiverr _Website not available. Sign in:

Available to hire

Hey there, I’m Katie Burke, and I’m a long time singer song writer thousands of songs under my belt, sync, placements, and loads of vanity projects. I love writing heartfelt songs for folks’ occasions, as well as putting together hard hitting to the point jingles sure to give you a case of the catchy ear worm-itis!

You can check out my work on Website not available. Sign in: OR on Fiverr
Website not available. Sign in:

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Media & Entertainment
    uniE603 Hershey's Summer Campaign
    This was a pitch that made it pretty far in Hershey's campaign (but was not chosen) through my long time collaborating partner Howling Music. Love the feel of these, and love that it really feels like a sweet summer. We all know Summer is sweeter with Hershey's. Hope summer never ends! jingle vocal
    uniE603 "Rich Living" - Worktape
    (NOTE: This is an unmixed work tape) I wrote this for a client last week. She needed a "drinking song" with "home feel" and wanted an uplifting feel and gave me this instrumental. She has a bran already, so staying in her brand was really important to the project. Lyrics: Rich Living VERSE 1: Home
    uniE613 Coop Supermarkets (EU) "Give a Little Love"
    This song was for the Christmas Campaign for Coop Supermarkets, a beautiful song but I only sang this one. ;)