Ideology is a set of opinions and a system of ideas that organizes the goals, expectations, and actions of a group or individual. The main purpose of ideology is to propose changes in society or to adhere to an existing set of beliefs that aim to achieve an 'ideal' world structure.
However, what was…Ideology is a set of opinions and a system of ideas that organizes the goals, expectations, and actions of a group or individual. The main purpose of ideology is to propose changes in society or to adhere to an existing set of beliefs that aim to achieve an 'ideal' world structure.
However, what was initially a 'theoretical' and 'abstract' science has become a tool for systems that encourage oppression, exploitation, and violence, justified by the pursuit of 'freedom.' Ideology has an unstable, hybrid structure and cannot be criticized, as it allows no 'neutral position.' It is often hostile to the concept of humans as individuals, with ideologues convinced that they know the solutions to all problems across all times.
The practical application of ideology has resulted in the emergence of propaganda, primarily in politics. The influence of propaganda has led to the creation of international conflicts, some of which continue today.
This work presents the three main dangers and techniques of ideology: brainwashing, or the reformation of thinking; alienation, or the division of society into ideological groups; and the spread of ideology, or the broader dissemination of beliefs.
In times of rapid technological advancement, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to detect ideology's impact on society, but we must remain vigilant and develop our awareness to safeguard both our present and future from the consequences of ideological thinking.WWIdeology is a set of opinions and a system of ideas that organizes the goals, expectations, and actions of a group or individual. The main purpose of ideology is to propose changes in society or to adhere to an existing set of beliefs that aim to achieve an 'ideal' world structure.
However, what was ini…