
I am primarily a composer, specialising in electronic music with a focus in microtonal experimental music. I also have experience in many other styles, and can play the guitar to a Grade 8 Distinction standard. I am interested


I am primarily a composer, specialising in electronic music with a focus in microtonal experimental music. I also have experience in many other styles, and can play the guitar to a Grade 8 Distinction standard. I am interested in transcription and sound engineering, but mostly I would like to build a client base through offering compositions (and other music/sound related services) on a commission basis.

Available to hire

I am primarily a composer, specialising in electronic music with a focus in microtonal experimental music. I also have experience in many other styles, and can play the guitar to a Grade 8 Distinction standard. I am interested in transcription and sound engineering, but mostly I would like to build a client base through offering compositions (and other music/sound related services) on a commission basis.

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Bachelor of Arts (Hons) Music at University of Nottingham
September 25, 2018 - June 22, 2021
Master of Research at University of Nottingham
September 22, 2021 - November 1, 2022
Music and Composition


Add your qualifications or awards here.
    uniE603 The Poles of Jupiter, Jovius
    The second movement. instrumental music
    uniE603 The Poles of Jupiter, Tempest
    The first movement of my electronic microtonal piece, The Poles of Jupiter, which earned me a Master's degree in composition from the University of Nottingham. music instrumental