
Web developer and web designer with over 15 years of creating user-oriented interfaces. Proficient in frontend technologies (JS, React, Next.js, modern CSS) and WordPress, including custom themes and headless implementations.

Alex Maltsev

Web developer and web designer with over 15 years of creating user-oriented interfaces. Proficient in frontend technologies (JS, React, Next.js, modern CSS) and WordPress, including custom themes and headless implementations. Combines design and technical skills to deliver innovative, pixel-perfect, and engaging digital experiences.

Available to hire

Web developer and web designer with over 15 years of creating user-oriented interfaces. Proficient in frontend technologies (JS, React, Next.js, modern CSS) and WordPress, including custom themes and headless implementations. Combines design and technical skills to deliver innovative, pixel-perfect, and engaging digital experiences.

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Experience Level

React JS
Web Design



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    uniE613 Kolhorry Project – This music project blends soothing synths and rhythms, and creates tranquil soundscapes that offer a peaceful refuge for relaxation. Freelance project. Built with Next.js, TypeScript, and the YouTube API, using custom CSS animations for webpage transitions. The main challenge was implementing the page exit transition.
    uniE613 SuranceBay – The website of the SaaS company specializing in providing onboarding and compliance solutions for insurance agents. Developed a website utilizing Headless WordPress for content management, with Eleventy as the static site generator for the front-end. Performed back-end development, front-end development, and UI design. Implemented API and data handling to connect the WordPress back-end with the Eleventy-powered front-end.
    uniE613 All Seasons Music – This is an experimental website that pairs classical music with images that match each piece's mood, themes, and historical context. The website features a mobile‑friendly UI and an easy‑to‑use music player that utilizes YouTube API. Brief composer biographies are fetched with Wikipedia API. Some images are AI‑generated, but most accompanying visual art was handpicked.
    uniE613 SuranceBay Group Agent E&O – The Life & Health Agents Errors & Omissions insurance program website was built with Headless WordPress and Eleventy. Solo project that covered all aspects of back-end development, front-end development, and UI design, seamlessly integrating the WordPress back-end with the Eleventy-powered front-end through effective data handling. Smooth CSS animations were implemented to enhance user engagement and overall page presentation.
    uniE613 Cinematic Avenue – Curated compilation of works by the cinematic music artists. Freelance project. Built with React and TypeScript, using Framer Motion for webpage transition, and utilized the YouTube API.
    uniE613 Healthtech Women Healthtech Women is a global not-for-profit organization that is committed to supporting women in leadership and innovation across the health industry. This solo project was built using WordPress with a fully custom theme based on the provided design prototype. The website includes a paid membership restricted area, offering exclusive content to subscribers. The Stripe API was integrated into the website for seamless payment processing and subscription management.