Fond of freestyle dance and expression through body movements, singing-recorded some cover songs, rap. Proficient Latin Dancer-Trained for sometime in salsa and Basics of Capoeira. Keen towards exploring and expression through medium of quick phone lenses.(Ig:elysian_5__) Looking forward to work as an Actor/Dancer/Choreographer-Bachata & entertainer. Played antagonist in latest Short film. Giving Private Classes for Bachata! Thanks for your time! Let me know if you’ve something suitable for me!


Fond of freestyle dance and expression through body movements, singing-recorded some cover songs, rap. Proficient Latin Dancer-Trained for sometime in salsa and Basics of Capoeira. Keen towards exploring and expression through medium of quick phone lenses.(Ig:elysian_5__) Looking forward to work as an Actor/Dancer/Choreographer-Bachata & entertainer. Played antagonist in latest Short film. Giving Private Classes for Bachata! Thanks for your time! Let me know if you’ve something suitable for me!

Available to hire

Fond of freestyle dance and expression through body movements, singing-recorded some cover songs, rap.

Proficient Latin Dancer-Trained for sometime in salsa and Basics of Capoeira.

Keen towards exploring and expression through medium of quick phone lenses.(Ig:elysian_5__)

Looking forward to work as an Actor/Dancer/Choreographer-Bachata & entertainer.
Played antagonist in latest Short film.

Giving Private Classes for Bachata!

Thanks for your time!
Let me know if you’ve something suitable for me!

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Actor Showreel
Music Video
Short Film

Experience Level

Actor Showreel
Music Video
Short Film



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